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Ultimately this has a very simple answer. Whether or not any person has to pay child support is determined by a court order, usually in the form of a divorce or custody decree. If that says you have to pay child support of $X per month, then you have to pay child support of $X per month.

If your circumstances have changed since the court order was issued, you can go back to court and petition to have it changed. Until it is changed, you'd better keep paying. The court may also decline to modify the decree under some circumstances.

If you're a "stay at home mom" by choice, then presumably your family income is high enough to support that lifestyle and your obligation to provide for your older child(ren) is still fully in force. You don't get to cheat the children you had with your ex out of the support you owe them.

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Q: Do you have to pay child support if you are remarried and are a stay at home mom?
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Can a stay at home be required to pay child support?

Absolutely, yes. A biological parent is required to support their child even if they would rather choose to "stay at home" and not work for pay.Absolutely, yes. A biological parent is required to support their child even if they would rather choose to "stay at home" and not work for pay.Absolutely, yes. A biological parent is required to support their child even if they would rather choose to "stay at home" and not work for pay.Absolutely, yes. A biological parent is required to support their child even if they would rather choose to "stay at home" and not work for pay.

Do you need to file a tax return if you're a stay at home mom getting child support?

No because you dont pay tax on child support

Can the mom stay home to bring up her child and get support from the babys father?

That depends on the circumstances of the parties and the court.

Can a Father who took residential custody from a 12 year stay at home wife and mother demand child support?

Yes, mothers do it all the time with stay at home dads. Equal rights.

Can th mom stay home to bring up her child and get support from the babys father?

That depends on the circumstances of the parties and the court.

Is it okay for a parent to stay home and take care of a child while the other parent is out working a job?

it is okay for one parent to work a job and for the other to stay at home and take care of a child as long as it makes the child and the parent happy! and if the child is getting the care that is needed and there is being enough money made to support the family.

What is a stay at home mom entitled to in a divorce?

An equitable division of the assets and debts. Depending on the circumstances, she may be entitled to child support and/or alimony.

Do you have to pay child support in Mississippi if your child drop out of high school?

Yes. Child support is not something you pay so the child will stay in school, it's for their living expenses until they are emancipated and can support themselves.

Can your child get sick and stay home from school on the sims3?

i dont think they can get sick and they can stay home from school

Can a child ask for child support if he ran away from home and he's 17 in the state of texas?

No. The child support goes to the parent who have custody to use to pay for the child. it does not go to the child directly. A runaway has no legal right to run away and if caught by the police they will bring him home. Just because you have not returned home does not mean you are allowed to stay away. If they have reported you as a runaway, anyone who helps you can be charged with helping or harboring a runaway with severe legal consequences.

When should you keep child home from school?

Your child should stay home if they are sick and especially if they are contagious.

If you are receiving child support for a 17 year old and they leave home to stay at a relatives house do you have to send the child support money to them?

Yes, you would have to send the money to the relatives as Child Support is to help feed, clothe and educate the minor child.Send your support to the courts or to the State disbursement unit. DO NOT send any money to the obligor/other relatives unless you want it to be considered a gift.