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Not necessarily. Some graphic designers are able to get a job without an internship, but an internship is an excellent way to get a foot in the door, meet new people, and get some experience with real world work.


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Q: Do you need an internship to be a video game designer?
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i em a vidoe game desiner and i only have a bit of edumacashun

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No, you do not need to be able to draw well to become a video game designer. There are several computer programs that aid in the design of video games.

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What degree do you get as a video game designer?

You wold at LEAST need a bachelors' degree.

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a lot

How much schooling do you need to be a video game designer?

about sx years of collage

What computer skills do you need for a video game designer?

Beating halo on legendary

What degrees do you need for a video game designer?

You don't need a degree. You should just major in art, writing, and computer science in college. You don't need a license either.

Do you need to continue to go to school after the 4 years to be a video game designer?

yes is really hard to make video game if you dont study

Why is intelligence important if you want to be a video game designer?

Video game designer is an important job for the survival and finance of the company. Remember: You are designing the actual game. Spellings and grammar are important if you want a say in the story of the game and you also need art skills.