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Depeds how you go about getting your accountant qualification, but if your going through university then nearly every one ask for higher maths and usually at a good grade too i.e A or B.

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Q: Do you need higher level maths to be an accountant?
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You need to be a charted accountent is maths - GCSE + A leval english - GCSE accountency- A leval

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you would deffinately need maths and probably ICT.. ask at your school about free standing maths which is an extra degree and would look great on your CV. at my school we get to do it if we are in set 1 for maths and its really hard because it's in between GCSE and A level but its worth a go even if you do badly! =]]

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you need biology, enlish, history, hospitality, maths, business, life orientation, PE and geography to become an accountant, many people will not believe this but i am the son of a very weathly leader and he has heard that in the next few months these will be the standard requirements

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if need yo get grade c for maths higher you will need 30-40 marks

What knowledge do you need to know in order to become an accountant?

maths is one. probs business studies and subjects like dat

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You need accounting and maths; any other business/finance subjects will be to your advantage!

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you need to get about 60 out of 100 in the maths paper to get a secure level 4 but level 5 you need 75 or 80 more to get a level 5 in maths. But in english for a level 4 you will need about 32 out of 50 and for a level 5 about 43. ( I got a level 5a for both. By..... IChoudhury

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If your programming is purely recreational then you don't really need specific maths levels though something equivalent to a Maths GCSE would help. If it's something you want to do further than purely fun like at a university/college level then many places ask for a Maths A-Level. Really it depends on what you are programming though some degree of higher Maths education will really help.