

Do you sweat more on a hot dry day or a hot humid day?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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we sweat more on a hot dry day,as on a humid day there is lot of moisture already present in the atmosphere.And on a dry day heat is more and moisture is less...

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Q: Do you sweat more on a hot dry day or a hot humid day?
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Do we sweat more on a dry day or humid day justify your reason?

Humid day

Do you sweat more on a dry day or on a humid day if yes why?

You will sweat the same on both days if your activity is the same. It will evaporate faster on a dry day, so you will notice less sweat on a dry day.

Why Do you sweat more on a humid day?

People actually sweat the same amount on a humid day as they do a cold, dry day. The difference is that the sweat isn't able to evaporate as quickly because of how much moisture is already in the air.

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No, since sauna is very humid and it makes your body sweat more.

In humid weather why you have more sweating?

In humid weather, the air is already saturated with moisture, so sweat evaporation is slower, which can make you feel like you are sweating more. Your body produces sweat to cool down, but if the sweat can't evaporate efficiently, you may sweat more to try to regulate your body temperature.

Why do we sweat more in humidity?

It is actually not a matter of sweating more but of it being more difficult to evaporate the sweat. If you are in a dry and windy place it is very simple for sweat to evaporate, in a more humid area there is more water in the air already and therefore makes evaporation of the sweat much more difficult. Then it would appear that you sweat more because you are seeing the sweat, however it is a matter of evaporation.

Why does electricity works differently on a hot humid day than on a cold dry day?

Because humid weather is more wet, but dry weather is dry, and static electricity does not stick to wet things.

Why is it more difficult to charge an object by friction on a humid day than on a dry day?

Humid air contains more water molecules that can dissipate excess charge away from the object being charged, reducing its ability to accumulate charge. This makes it more difficult to charge an object by friction on a humid day compared to a dry day.

Is South Africa humid or dry?

The country South Africa is more humid than it is dry.

Why wet clothes dry up very slowly in a humid air?

Wet clothes dry up slowly in humid air because the air is already saturated with moisture, so it has limited capacity to absorb more water vapor from the clothes. This leads to a decreased rate of evaporation, which is necessary for the drying process to occur.

Is the air on a hot humid day less dense or more dense than on a hot dry day?

it is less dense

Why do people feel cooler on a hot dry day than on a hot humid day?

On a hot humid day the air circulation is heldup by the moisture density present in the air. the air gains weight and will not move . where as on a dry hot day the air is lighter and travels freely. * * * * * The air on a hot humid day holds much more moisture than on a hot dry day. As a result, your perspiration will evaporate much more quickly on a dry hot day and the process of evaporation will require heat equivalent to the latent heat of vaporisation. A lot of this heat will be taken from your body and that is why you will feel cooler.