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We all have good and bad in us. Romans 3:23 says, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." As humans we are born into sin. We have the gift of free will from God. Free will gives us the choice to be good or bad. It's up to us. Just as we have the capability to do good, we have the capability to do bad. It's up to the individual.

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Human beings are a combination of both good and bad. They are capable of great acts of kindness and compassion, but also have the capacity for selfishness and harm. It ultimately depends on individual choices and circumstances.

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Continue Learning about Religious Studies

Is Christ an angel or a God?

According to Christian belief, Jesus Christ is considered both fully human and fully divine, the Son of God who became incarnate in human form to save humanity. He is not an angel, but rather the second person of the Holy Trinity. Angels are created beings who serve and deliver messages from God, while Jesus is worshiped as God Himself.

What is a Christian's belief in angels?

Christians believe in the existence of angels as spiritual beings created by God to serve Him and carry out His will. Angels are believed to be messengers and protectors, and can be seen as intermediaries between God and humans. Christians also believe that angels play a role in spiritual warfare and are ever present in the lives of believers.

What does anthropomorphic gods mean?

Anthropomorphic gods are deities that are depicted in human form or possess human characteristics such as emotions, personalities, and behaviors. This portrayal helps humans better relate to and understand these gods in various mythologies and religious beliefs.

What are the 5 religion in Asia?

Hinduism has the largest number of followers, followed closely by Islam (900 million and some 850 million respectively), followed by Buddhism and CHristianity (with Buddhism slightly leading but both in the neighborhood of 320-335 million), followed by CHinese folk religions with some 235 million. The figures then drop sharply to 18-20 million Sikhs, followed distantly by Jews, Jains, Confucians, Zoroastrians, Shintos, Bahais, and a host of folk and ethnic or tribal religions, Yaresan, Yezidi, Mandeans etc...

What was one similarity between the religious practices of the Persian Empire and those of Greek civilization?

Both the Persian Empire and Greek civilization had multiple gods responsible for different aspects of human life.

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To love God openly in the home and help children to learn to behave and think in good ways towards their fellow human beings both inside and outside the home.

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