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Q: Do you think learning the Chinese alphabet is difficult?
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Is it true that if you learn Chinese vietnamese and japense will be easier to learn?

Learning Chinese can potentially make it easier to learn Vietnamese and Japanese due to similarities in script, vocabulary, and certain grammatical structures. However, each language has its complexities and unique features, so while there may be some advantages, it doesn't guarantee that learning one will make the others significantly easier.

Does the language is inherited or learned?

I think we inherited the language , because is difficult to learning language

What is the language with the smallest number of alphabets?

The language with the smallest alphabet is Rotokas, a language spoken in Papua New Guinea, with only 12 letters.

Is hard to learn how to speak tagalog?

Learning any language can be challenging, but with dedication and practice, one can definitely learn to speak Tagalog. Surrounding yourself with native speakers, practicing regularly, and using language learning resources can help make the process smoother. The key is to immerse yourself in the language as much as possible.

Learning German language with the help of audio software?

I Think That's too Difficult,Even Learning English with Audio Software is difficult i Would Recommend if you Read German Books or Watch a Movie in German(You Could activate English subtitles..hehe:)

What does abcdefghijhutnhfyhegrjjeerkrithy stand for?

i think its the alphabet

IS there a city that does not have a letter of the 'A alphabet in it?

I think the answer is no

Where do you think omega comes in the Greek alphabet?

Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet.

Your friend learned 20 Chinese characters per hour Is he a genius?

Yes, I think your friend is a genius. I guess he or she must have strong interest in Chinese, or has good memory. Good memory is very important in learning a language.

If you think this alphabet is easy then you must be?

The answer is : Joking

Why did the alphabet change?

I think it was because it was to short

What did each symbol of the Phoenician alphabet represent?

each symbol of the phoenician alphabet represented a consonant.