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This is the basic concept of hydro electric power plants.The high pressure in the head race is converted in to mechanical rotation by using water turbines. thus pressure of the water converted in to electric power.

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3d ago

Yes, hydroelectric power generation depends on the force of water flowing in a river or dam. The force of the water turns turbines, which then generate electricity through a generator connected to them. The greater the force and volume of water, the more electricity can be produced.

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Daefallah Albahili

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2y ago

توجد وسائل وطرق متعدده في إنتاج الكهرباء منها إستخدام الوقود النووي وكذلك إنتاج الكهرباء بواسطة المحركات الضخمة التي تعتمد على إستخدام مادة الديزل ويتم أيضا إنتاج الكهرباء بواسطة المحركات التربونية والتي يتم بناؤها عند مصبات السدود والأنهار وهذه الطريقة تعتمد على قوة دفع المياه للتربين أو الشفرات الدواره التي تقوم بتحويل الحركة إلى طاقة وتتناسب هذه الطريقة طرديا فكلما زيادة قوة دفع المياه للتربينات زادة سرعة حركة التربينات وبالتالي تزداد نسبة توليد

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Q: Does the production of electricity depends upon force of the water?
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What is the force or pressure of electricity and is compared to the amount of water pressure in a hose?

Electricity is measured in amperes and voltage, while water pressure is usually measured in pounds per square inch (psi). The force of electricity depends on the amount of current flowing through a circuit, similar to how the pressure in a hose depends on the rate of water flow and the diameter of the hose. Both can cause damage or be dangerous if not properly controlled or managed.

Which is the correct statement of what occurs at a turbine during electricity production?

A turbine uses the force of steam, water, or wind to rotate a shaft connected to a generator. The rotation of the shaft generates electricity as the generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Which source of energy uses the production of stem from boiling water to generate electricity?

Nuclear energy uses the heat generated from boiling water to produce steam, which then drives turbines to generate electricity. This process involves nuclear fission reactions to heat water and produce steam for electricity production.

What directs flowing water through a turbine that spins a generator to create electricity?

The force of the water flowing through the turbine blades causes them to spin. This mechanical rotation is then converted into electricity by the connected generator, which produces an electric current. The water flow is controlled by various components such as gates, penstocks, and valves to optimize energy production.

What force is used to generate hydroelectricity?

Hydroelectricity is generated by the force of flowing or falling water, typically from a dam or a waterfall. This force is used to turn turbines connected to generators, converting the kinetic energy of the water into electricity.

Related questions

How is elctricity produced from water?

Electricity produced from water is also known as Hydro electricity. In this form of electricity production large turbines are run with the force of water to produce electricity.

How does hydroeletricity work?

Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by hydropower. This is the production of power through the use of gravity or flow to spins water turbine and generator. The amount of electricity produced depends on many things. Some of the things that it depends on are the volume, the amount of pressure, and the difference in height between the reservoir, or source of water, and where it flows out. Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by hydropower. This is the production of power through the use of gravity or flow to spins water turbine and generator. The amount of electricity produced depends on many things. Some of the things that it depends on are the volume, the amount of pressure, and the difference in height between the reservoir, or source of water, and where it flows out.

What is mean by Hydel power station?

Production of electricity by water.(hydra=water)

What are the waterfalls that generate electricity in the Philippines?

waterfalls can generate hydro-electricity by the force of the water

What does liquid do to electricity?

Liquid can conduct electricity if it contains dissolved ions that allow for the flow of electric charge. However, pure water is a poor conductor of electricity because it does not contain enough ions to allow for effective electron flow. Overall, the impact of liquid on electricity depends on its chemical composition and conductivity.

What is hyroelectric power?

electricity generated from the force of falling water

What natural resources are used in production of a car?

electricity, solar, water, and fossil

How can nuclear energy be used in Dominica?

Examples: production oh heat (including sea water desalinization), production of electricity, research, production of isotopes.

How does Kenya generate its electricity?

Kenya generates its electricity primarily from hydropower, geothermal, wind, and solar sources. Hydropower is the largest contributor, with several large dams providing a significant portion of the country's electricity. Geothermal energy has also become a crucial source due to the country's location along the East African Rift where there is significant geothermal activity.

Hydropower generates electricity when dams force flowing water past .?

A turbine

How energy is used today?

A small amount of electricity production, and some heating - mostly water.

What is hydroeletric?

Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by hydropower, i.e., the production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy.