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Q: Does 0 need units of measurement in mathematics?
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What were units of measurement called in ancient Egypt?

Cbkzhdd in Egyptian in English shess :) :) :0

How many units from -6 to plus 4?

10 units ------------------------------------------------ 4 - -6 = 4 + 6 = 10 On a number line: You need to go 6 units from -6 to 0, and then another 4 units from 0 to 4 making 6 + 4 = 10 units in total.

What is the need for measurement?

In order to manipulate matter, one must determine how much matter there is, how much of the matter is to be manipulated, and how to convey these terms to others in simplified ways, so that in a shared collective, all involved would be able to understand how much matter was being manipulated. Measurement begins with the concept of 1, and then, because 1 cannot exists in the absence of another in which to contrast, the concept of 2 came into being, and with it, the space between the two, which created the concepts of a 3rd and the absence of something, or 0. With these three prime numbers, and the concept of nothing, or the absence of something measured by the place holder 0, mathematics developed. With mathematics, terms needed to be defined to quantify how much, and thus measurement.

1.725 on a ruler?

Its about 1.77 inches away from the 0 If you are on a metric ruler its 1.77 centimeters from the 0

What are the si units for efficiency?

Efficiency is adimensional, meaning there is no associated unit, just a number - and the number should be the same in different measurement systems. Efficiency can be any number between 1 (equivalent to 100%) and 0 (equivalent to 0%).

What are the Aryabhatta contributions to mathematics?

zero 0

How many units is -4 from 0?

It is 4 units.

Why is the answer 0 when you multiply 8 and 0?

The answer is 0 because anything multiplied by 0 is 0. This can be established using the set theory. If each set contains 8 units, but you have no sets at all (0), then you have 0 units. No matter how large a set is, having no sets means that you have no units.

2 units to the right of 0?

the number 2 is two units to the right of 0 on the number line. the number -2 is two units to the left of 0

What is the uses of zero 0 in mathematics?

To indicate nothing is there.

What are the miracles of mathematics?

The discovery of number ''0'' by aryabatta

What is an example of babylonianadvancement in mathematics?

I think they devised the 0.