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Valium (diazepam) and Ativan (lorazepam) will not show up as the same drug.

Valium undergoes extensive hepatic (liver) metabolism by CYP2C19, a component of an enzyme system. When it becomes metabolized several active metabolites form, primarily desmethyldiazepam (Nordazepam), oxazepam, and temazepam. These active metabolites are also benzodiazepine class drugs. Nordazepam is available in some countries, Oxazepam is best known as Serax and Serepax, and temazepam is a commonly used hypnotic best known as Restoril. 98.5% of diazepam is metabolized and on a negligible amount of diazpeam is excreted.

Unlike Valium, Ativan does not have any active metabolites because it does not under go any hepatic biotransformation. Due to this reason Ativan (and Serax) are most often used in people with significant liver damage because the liver does not have to "work" on Ativan.

When a drug test occurs Ativan will be positive if the test is positive for lorazepam. If any other benzodiazepines are found then another drug must have been taken. When Valium is tested for, diazepam and active metabolites (none are lorazepam) might be found.

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11y ago

ativan and valium are both benzodiazepines. basic drug screens will test for this drug category. however, not all drug screens are the same. some will only test for opiates in which case the two drugs in question will not show up.

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11y ago

Both Ativan (Lorazepam) and Valium (Diazepam) are in the same class of drugs called "Benzodiazepines." They all act in similar (but distinct) ways. In the brain, these chemicals bind to specific "benzodiazepine" sites on the GABAa receptor protein, essentially increasing the effects of the neurotransmitter GABA-- which is known mostly for its calmative, relaxing feature.

Most likely, Ativan and Valium will show up the same in a urine test. That is, the results will indicate a positive value for presence of Benzo's. The only difference I can think of is the relative dose and amount of time since each entered your bloodstream. Sometimes, if you haven't taken a one of these drugs before, and/or if it was a very small dose that you did take, it might now show up at all in the test. Especially if the test is given a few or more days after you last injested the medication. One of the main ways to define differences between the actions of different benzodiazepines is by their half-life, or the duration of their effect. If Lorazepam is short-acting and Valium is a longer-acting benzo, then perhaps only traces of Valium will be apparent in the urine test.

Either way, they both show up as "Benzodiazepines." If you have two of these drugs in your system, it will show up the same as if you'd just taken one or the other.

Hope that sort of answers your question =P!

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Q: Will Ativan and Valium show up the sam in a urine test?
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It will show up under benzodiazepine(valium, librium, xanax, ativan). Alot of companies are now adding this to there drug screen because of its wide spread misuse. And the problem is you never know what a certain company will test for.

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Yes... It's a benzodiazipine!

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No. Lortab is hydrocodone, which is an opiate and will show up on an opiate test. Valium is a benzodiazepine and will show up as that on a benzo test. Once again, i am not a pharmacist, nor do i have any pharmacological training, so, be careful out there!

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It depends on what they're testing for. Ativan is a benzodiazepine like Valium, so if it's for work, they'll probably test for it. Make sure you have a prescription from your doctor.

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