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Q: Does Canada have a planned economy and can you give some examples of planned economies in Canada?
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Examples of a communist economy?


Which specific countries have centrally planned economy?

Sweden. The government is in complete control of everything, and they pay a lot of taxes, which results in them having universal health care. Unlike Canada, Sweden pays for university, day care, ect.

What is an example of mixed market economy?

Canada mixed Russia Planned USA market

What type of economy does Canada country haves?

Well, it mainly is a mixed economy. Since a country can have more than one type of economies that are operating, it is most likely that Canada is also the same.

Examples of mixed economy?

india canada france etc

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What region or group has an economy similar to those of Europe?

Canada and Australia have similar economies to those of Europe. The United States also has a similar economy to European economies.

Examples of a communist economy?


Which specific countries have centrally planned economy?

Sweden. The government is in complete control of everything, and they pay a lot of taxes, which results in them having universal health care. Unlike Canada, Sweden pays for university, day care, ect.

Did Canada change from a command economy to a mixed economy?

Canada turned into a planned economy during the war becase they needed supplies so the all the companies were required to make supplies for the war.

What is an example of mixed market economy?

Canada mixed Russia Planned USA market

What type of economy does Canada country haves?

Well, it mainly is a mixed economy. Since a country can have more than one type of economies that are operating, it is most likely that Canada is also the same.

Examples of mixed economy?

india canada france etc

What countries has a command economy cuba France US or Canada?

Of the four countries listed (France, USA, Cuba, and Canada), only Cuba has a command economy. The rest have government-moderated capitalist economies.

Which country has the GREATEST degree of a command economy out of Brazil Canada Cuba Mexico?

Cuba qualifies as such. It is a republic with a communist regime that has a command economy (i.e. centrally planned).

What are a few mixed economies besides Canada and Germany?

The U.S. for one, but actually most economies in the world now are mixed. This just means that the economy is contolled by both market forces (supply and demand) and regulated by the government. As long as the economy isn't completely socialist (controlled by the government) or a free market (completely unchecked business) it is considered a mixed economy.

Countries that use a mixed economy?

The definition of mixed economy remains somewhat subjective. Both the US and Cuba have been refered to as mixed economies as all economies are to some extent or another mixed. Pure capitalism and pure communism have never and most likely can never exsist. The world's developed nations are the most common examples of mixed economies. The United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, etc... are all examples of mixed economies. Examples in the developing world include Mexico, Slovenia, South Africa, etc... India is also a mixed economy where public private partnership co exists.Australia

What does the us and Canada's economies have in common?

Canada's economy has grown in parallel with the US. That explains how Canada, a weakly populated country with not nearly as much industry as the US, obtains the 10th largest economy in the world. Canada and the US are immensely economically tied, as they are each others' largest trading partner.