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No. Viscosity is a liquid's resistance to flow. So higher viscosity means a slower flow.

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Q: Does High viscosity lava flows faster than low viscosity lava?
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What is the difference in silica content and viscosity between light-colored and dark-colored magma?

The lower the viscosity is the hotter the magma is and faster it flows.Higher the viscosity is the cooler it is and slower it flows down.

How does the viscosity affect of lava affect its flow rate?

Viscosity means how runny it is. Thus a lava with low viscosity will erupt fast and form long, wide spreading lava flows (eg Hawaii) and lavas of high viscosity will erupt slowly and form lava domes (eg Mt. St. Helens).

What makes a quiet eruption different from an explosive eruption?

quiet eruption flows easeir cause it has a low viscosity and lava flows easier but explosive eruption has a high viscosity and lava flows slower

What is lava called with high viscosity?

Lava with high viscosity is called slica-rich lava

Which type of lava-basaltic lava or rhyolitic lava flows faster and why?

Basaltic flows much faster than rhyolite. Rhyolite is higher viscosity. Find a video of a basaltic lava flow like Hawaii, it flows like water when it's hot. Rhyolite eruptions usually act more like toothpaste if they're slow, or an explosion if fast.

Which moves fast felsic lava or mafic lava?

A mafic lava flow will move faster than a felsic lava flow due to its lower viscosity. However, felsic magma tends to erupt explosively, producing fast-moving pyroclastic flows instead of lava flows.

Is the lava from Mount Rainier high or low vicosity?

Mt. Rainer's lava flows have high viscosity. They are very thick, not dense, have low water content, and high gas content

What is the viscosity of lava flow from a cinder cone volcano?

Viscosity refers to the amount of internal friction in a substance which affects the ease with which it flows. Magma has a wide range of viscosity depending on the composition of the magma. The viscosity increases as the silica content changes from basalt to rhyolite. The more viscous a magma is, the slower it flows.

What kind of viscosity lava does Mount Tambora have?

High viscosity.

How would you describe lava with a high viscosity?

The highest viscosity lava is rhyolite. Rhyolitic lava tends to form dome-shaped volcanoes and tends to cause explosive eruptions.

Does basaltic or rhyolitic lava flow faster?

Basaltic lava flows much faster than ryholitic lava.

How does the silica content of lava impact its viscosity?

Silica content is directly proportional to viscosity, so the higher the silica content of a lava, the higher its viscosity. high viscosity means a lava will be thick and slow moving, hence probably meaning an explosive eruption. lava's with a high viscosity include rhyolite and andesite whereas lava's with a low viscosity (runny ones) include basalt.