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Q: Does Hubble Tuning-Fork show an evolutionary sequence?
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The astronomer Edwin Hubble provided evidence in the 1920s that other galaxies existed beyond our own Milky Way. By observing Cepheid variable stars in the Andromeda Galaxy, he demonstrated that it was a separate galaxy located far outside our own. This discovery revolutionized our understanding of the universe's scale and confirmed the existence of other galaxies.

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The evolutionary history of a species is often displayed in a phylogenetic tree. This will clearly show the history of the species, which is also known as phylogeny.

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Most of the universe. You can not view the sun or mercury (according to the NASA website).

The science that seeks to show evolutionary relationships between organisms is?

The science is called phylogenetics. It uses molecular data and morphology to study the evolutionary relationships and the patterns of descent among different organisms. Phylogenetic trees are commonly used to illustrate these relationships.

Show the sequence of the codon?

Yeah do it, I dare you.