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no, not really. it dose not

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Q: Does Islam have special symbols they use during service?
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What are Three symbols of Islam?

there are no three symbols of Islam

What are the most common symbols of Islam?

There are no official symbols of Islam. With that being said, some would say the most common symbols that represent Islam are the Star and Crescent. But there are findings in the Quran that specify that either are legitimate official symbols of Islam.

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What symbols do Islams associate with?

Islam has No Symbols, People gave Islam symbol to for Distinction only, and it doesn't Mean anything

Does Islam have any religious symbols?

No, Islam is commonly recognized by the crescent moon and the star. However, the Crescent Moon and Star are just historical and/or political symbols developed during the Ottoman Empire. No religious symbol for Islam per Islam teachings. Refer to question below.

Why does the moon and the star represent the masjid?

The crescent moon and star have become symbols of Islam in light of the fact that many Islamic Empires (especially the Ottomans) placed this symbol on their flags. The moon has no special significance in Islam.

What is the special book of Islam?

The special books of islam are the Quran and the Sunna

Important symbols in the Islam religion?

There are no religious symbols in Islam religion as the Cross in Christianity or the David star in Judaism. The moon and the star are political symbols used on the flags of some countries but have nothing to do with the religion.

Islam symbols of faith?

crescent moon and star

What is the Muslims relgious symbol?

no religious symbols in islam.

Islam's common symbols?

the crescent moon and star

Is service charge permitted for financial transactions in Islam?

Yes, as per rules. If you get a service, you should pay for it. Islam or no Islam.