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Yes, I believe he does, as well as the actors in the movie. It's called "royalties" when one is paid for future showings of movies, TV programs, etc.

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Q: Does James Cameron get paid by HBO when they air the movie Titanic?
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500 diolars

Who paid for the Titanic?

the white star line, if you mean the ship.

How much did titanic crew members get paid?

alot of money

How much did titanic actors make?

leo was paid 2.5 million and kate was paid 2 million :)

How much do janitures get paid?

1.50 cos joe and Cameron smell

Did Kirk Cameron receive wages for his role in the movie Fireproof?

No, he asked that he not get paid for this film due to union issues. Sherwood Pictures instead made a donation to one of Kirk's charities.

Where there only passengers aboard titanic?

There was crew and paid passengers. No animals.

who paid for the expensive equipment to take photos of the sunken titanic?


How much were they paid to build the titanic?

$10 per week

Do you have to buy food on the Titanic?

No it came free becuase you paid it through your ticket.