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you are supposed to capitalize the G in God.

well, God doesn't really have a human form, so probably no. Yet, if God made us in his own image, you would think he does. Then again, he wasn't born from anyone.

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11y ago

Yes, Jesus did have a belly button. The umbilical cord from His mother nourished His growing body in the womb before His birth and once He was born the cord was cut and tied creating a belly button. Every human on this planet has a belly button. Just because Jesus didn't have a human father makes no difference as to whether He had a belly button because only the woman's body has the umbilical cord with which to feed the baby in the womb. NOW, just to confuse you, did Adam and Eve have a belly button?????????? Nobody knows. My guess though is that they didn't. They were not born but created fully grown. However, Eve's first child would have had a belly button because as her baby grew in her womb it needed an umbilical cord to receive food and nourishment in order to grow.

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some say that in his wallet he keeps a picture....... of his wallet and when he see's women one of his legs grow long all we know is he's called the stig.

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Q: Does God has a navel like Jesus?
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It depends on the religion. In Christianity, Jesus is considered God and not a prophet because he is an incarnation of God Himself. In Islam, Jesus is considered to be prophet and not God Himself because God is singular and does not have associates.

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Because that's there God and there world! Like our God and Jesus!

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Jesus is part of the trinity which means he is God. John 1:1-2 can prove that Jesus like God always existed. John 1:1-2 "in the beginning was the Word, was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning."

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If you believe in the story of Jesus, then you should know Jesus was God's son.

Why did Adam not have a belly button?

Adam did not have a navel because he was directly created by God and not born of a woman,as to wether Eve had a navel is questionable ,sounds like a bit of prehistoric genital engineering,but as Adam was made in Gods own image I supose it depends on wether God has a belly button or not.

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god is not a super hero he is a god of the sun.. God is not a superhero nor a God of the sun. Jesus Christ is a man who died on the xross for humankinds' sins. He was, is, and will be.

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That's for you and god to discuss. I think he looks alot like Jesus Christ.