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If you're talking "Little House on the Prairie," it's Melissa Gilbert who played Laura Ingalls Wilder, the author of the book series on which the TV show is based, who died in 1957.

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Q: Does Laura Ingalls Wilder play herself in the TV show?
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Laura Ingalls Wilder when she was a child?

From what i've read laura ingalls wilder as a child well...she was very active liked to run and play she was a very good student in school from what i heard in a biography about her.

Is Thornton Wilder related to Laura Ingalls Wilder?

No, Thornton Wilder and Laura Ingalls Wilder are not related. They were both influential American writers of their time, but they did not share a familial connection. Thornton Wilder is best known for his play "Our Town," while Laura Ingalls Wilder is best known for her "Little House" book series.

Did Laura Ingalls Wilder play the piano?

She did play a little, but mostly for enjoyment. She picked up a few chords when her sister Mary learned at her college for the blind.

What was Laura Ingalls Wilder like as a teenager?

As a teenager, Laura Ingalls Wilder was described as independent, spirited, and adventurous. She enjoyed spending time outdoors, exploring the countryside with her family, and experiencing new places and cultures. Her experiences during her teenage years living on the Midwestern frontier greatly influenced her later writings about pioneering life.

What did Laura elizabeth ingalls wilder do for fun?

her original job was being a teacher, but her daughter, Rose, inspired her to become a writer

Where can you see a play of Laura Ingalls Wilder's life?

You may be able to see a play of Laura Ingalls Wilder's life at local theaters or community productions that specialize in historical or family-oriented shows. Additionally, some schools and regional theater companies may also stage productions based on her life and stories. Checking online theater listings or websites of theater companies may help you find a specific performance near you.

What did Laura Ingalls Wilder like to do as a kid?

Laura Ingalls Wilder did not like to teach. She taught school at age 15 at Brewster School. Brewster School was located 12 miles west of De Smet, South Dakota. She also wrote books about her life. These books are called The Little House OR Little House On The Prairie books. She continued books about her life that she wrote with her daughter, Rose Wilder Lane who married and divorced Claire Gillette Lane. Laura Ingalls Wilder married Almanzo Wilder who Laura had Rose and an unnamed baby boy who died 12 days after his birth. There is lots of information you can look up. You can visit houses of the Ingalls and Wilder families.

How does Albert come into play in the wilder family?

Albert Ingalls was Michael Landon's contribution to the lore of Little House, Albert is totally fictitious as well as James and Cassandra Cooper.

Are the movies of Little House on the Prairie based on the true story?

True stories of Laura wangled Wildner yup. Dude her name is Laura Ingalls Wilder.....really now? Learn to spell. And it's widely believed that she fabricated some of the details so it'd make a better book.

Did Mary Ingalls regain her eyesight?

No, she didn't. She contracted scarlet fever at the age of 14, which resulted in lifelong blindness. Throughout the 1880's she attended the Iowa College for the Blind at Vinton in Iowa, during which time she took a year out before graduating with honours in 1889 at the age of 24. Contrary to popular belief, she never went on to herself become a teacher of the blind, nor did she ever marry-she passed away on 20th October 1928, at the age of just 63. The strain of scarlet fever that she contracted no longer exists now- it was a scourge of Victorian times and attacked the region of the brain that controls eyesight. However, modern strains of scarlet fever do not do this, so today's sufferers are no longer at risk of such terrible consequences.

What did Laura Ingalls get for Christmas?

Laura's strongest life-long hobby was reading, and perhaps after that, writing poetry. The writing of her famous books she did not look at as a hobby, she saw that differently.Laura also collected dishware. Two of the designs she collected were rose chintz and blue willow.She became an expert in raising laying hens and wrote her advice in a journal titled The Missourian Ruralist. Other articles regarding farm-life followed.

What NFL team does James Wilder Jr. play for?

James Wilder Jr. plays for the Cincinnati Bengals.