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Because he's got his ideas where killing the king to become king himself is bad, since Duncan has been a friend and if anyone finds out they'll do the same to Macbeth, but also Lady Macbeth is manipulating Macbeth to do the wrong thing because she's mad with greed and wants the power also.

Macbeth is in the middle with the witches and with Lady Macbeth and can't make his own decisions because they're being made or manipulated for him.

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He learns much less than he thinks he does. He learns that Banquo would be father to a line of kings, but he knew that already from the witches' first prophecy. He learns to beware Macduff, but he was already deeply suspicious of Macduff as we know from his conversation with his wife after the disastrous banquet. He thinks he learns that he is invulnerable since no man born of woman can defeat him, but in fact this is just another way of telling him to beware Macduff. Finally he thinks he is invulnerable because Birnam Wood cannot come to Dunsinane. So he learns three things, two of which (Banquo will be father to a line of kings and Macduff is dangerous) he already knew and the third (Macbeth is invulnerable) was not in fact true. This made the whole exercise a waste of time really.

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When he is given the title of "Thane of Cawdor."

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No, until Ross comes along and calls him Thane of Cawdor. That shakes him.

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Q: Does Macbeth initially believe the witches prophecies?
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What is the exciting force in Macbeth?

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Why do some believe that real witches were behind the curse of Macbeth?

Some believe that real witches were behind the curse of Macbeth because the play features three witches who make prophecies that ultimately lead to Macbeth's downfall. The play's references to witchcraft and the supernatural have contributed to the belief that real witches may have been involved in the play's creation and curse.

Who knew about the prophecies besides lady Macbeth?

In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the three witches are the ones who make the prophecies about Macbeth becoming king. In addition to Lady Macbeth, Macbeth himself learns about the prophecies from the witches and later seeks them out for more information. Ultimately, Macbeth's actions are driven by his desire to fulfill the prophecies and maintain his position as king.

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Why did the witches from Macbeth tell banquo three prophecies?

Because they do things in threes. They had three prophecies for Macbeth and now they have three for Banquo.

Did the witches make Macbeth murder duncan?

The witches only gave Macbeth prophecies. It was his decision to do so after Lady Macbeth persuaded him. Although the witches' intentions was probably to cause this murder, the witches did not make Macbeth muder Duncan.

Why does Macbeth misinterpret the prophecies he is given in Act IV?

Macbeth misinterprets the prophecies in Act IV because his ambition and desire for power cloud his judgment. The witches' prophecies play into his deepest desires, leading him to believe that he is invincible and untouchable. As a result, he becomes reckless and ignores the warnings implicit in the prophecies.

How do the witches know Macbeth will survive the battle?

They have insight into the future, which is why they can make prophecies.

Why does Macbeth not fear death at the hands of rebels?

beacuse he has haith in the witches' prophecies

How is one of the witches prophecies coming true?

Not long after telling Macbeth he'll become Thane of Cawdor, he is given the title. In the second set of prophecies, the witches seem to know Macbeth's castle will be stormed and how it will be taken over.

What king did Macbeth kill in the beginning of Macbeth?

Macbeth killed King Duncan after hearing the witches' prophecies and being urged on by his wife, Lady Macbeth