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Yes, he does.

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Q: Does Malcolm become king after Macbeth's death?
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What happens in scene 4 that poses an obstacle in macbeths path to the crown?

In Scene 4 of "Macbeth," Malcolm is named heir to the throne, thwarting Macbeth's ambition to become king. This presents an obstacle because Macbeth now needs to find a way to eliminate Malcolm as a contender for the crown.

What was macbeths cause of death?

The historical king Macbeth of Scotland, after a long and relatively peaceful reign of seventeen years, was faced with an invasion by Malcolm son of Duncan and was defeated by him. Macbeth received a wound in the battle from which he never recovered. Malcolm did not, however, become the next king. Macbeth's stepson Lulach did.

Who was crowned king after Macbeth had died?

Malcolm, son of King Duncan, was crowned King of Scotland after Macbeth's death. He was able to reclaim the throne with the help of his ally, Macduff.

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How might Duncans naming Malcolm Prince of Cumberland interfere with Macbeths becoming king?

As in England calling your son the Prince of Wales marks him as the heir apparent, Duncan's calling Malcolm the Prince of Cumberland marked him as the next king. This would certainly be "a step on which [Macbeth] must fall down, or else o'erleap."

What decision does Macbeth come to?

At the end of the play Macduff gave Macbeth two choices; surrender and live under the rightful king of Scotland or die. Macbeth chose death.

Is malcom macbeths son?

No, Malcolm is not Macbeth's son. In Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," Malcolm is the son of King Duncan of Scotland. Macbeth is a nobleman who later becomes king through treacherous means.

How does Malcolm feelings towards Macbeth what has Macbeth done to became king?

I'm guessing that you are asking two questions: "How does Malcolm feel about Macbeth?" and "What has Macbeth done to become the king?" The answer to the second question is simple: Macbeth killed King Duncan in order to become king. The answer to the first question is almost as simple: Malcolm hates and fears Macbeth. I hope your command of English is sufficient to understand this answer.

Was macduff the king of Scotland?

No, Macduff was not the king of Scotland. The title of king of Scotland was held by Duncan at the beginning of Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," and later by Malcolm after overthrowing Macbeth. Macduff plays a key role in helping Malcolm reclaim the throne but he himself does not become the king.

Who is king at the end of Macbeth?

At the end of Shakespeare's play Macbeth; Malcolm, son of Duncan is proclaimed to be King of Scots. (In actual history, Macbeth was succeeded by his son Lulach; who was then was assassinated and deposed by Malcolm)

Who is supposed to inherit the thrown when king Duncan dies?

King Duncan's eldest son, Malcolm, is supposed to inherit the throne after his father's death.

Where is Malcolm crowned?

Malcolm I became King of Scots around 943 Malcolm II became King of Scots around 1005 Malcolm III became King of Scots around 1058 Malcolm IV became King of Scots around 1153