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It means a petition is made by voters to dismiss the Governor and hold a new election.

This has happened twice:

1921 - Lynn Frazier of North Dakota was recalled in the midst of a dispute over state owned industries

2003 - Gray Davis of California was recalled due to arguments over the budget and criticisms of his campaigning

In addition, there was a successful recall petition against Evan Mecham of Arizona due to his habit of making racially insensitive comments and allegations of corruption. However, he was impeached and dismissed by the legislature before the recall came into effect.

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14y ago

Yes, California allow voters to recall the governor.

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13y ago

no Florida does not allow voters to recall

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11y ago

No. 19 states do (as of this report in 2011) but Maryland is not among them.

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Yes, a governor can be recalled.

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Does the state of Texas allow the voters to recall their governor?

No, the State of Texas does not allow voters to recall their Governor. Within the United States, only eighteen states and the District of Columbia allow for the recall of state officials. Most of these states do not require specific grounds for recall, and the recall is performed through election. In Texas the Governor may still be removed through impeachment, which is a legal process whereby the state legislature brings charges against the Governor, and the state senate acts as a jury with the power to remove them from office. The last impeachment of a Governor in the United States was of Rob Blagojevich, the former Governor of Illinois, on January 14th, 2009. Texas does not provide for the recall of local officials either, although this is more common, with at least 29 states providing for recall elections at the level of local jurisdictions.

Does Ohio allow voters to recall governor?

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, yes, Washington state allows the recall election of any statewide official holding public office. Washington state has specific required grounds for recall. The exact grounds are the " commission of some act or acts of malfeasance or misfeasance while in office, or who has violation of oath of office (Const. Art. I §33)." Once these grounds have been deemed met, a petition is circulated for 270 days and requires signatures of 25% of the votes in the last election for state Governor. If this triggers a recall election, only the question of whether or not the Governor should be recalled is asked. If the majority of cast ballots agree that the Governor should be recalled, the office is declared vacant. In Washington state a replacement is appointed by the county board of commissioners who select from a list submitted by a committee of the former Governor's political party.

Ability of voters to remove elected officials from office?

"Recall" is the process by which the voters themselves can petition for the removal of an elected official. Depending on the state laws on the subject, once a certain number of voters signs the petition for recall, a special vote is scheduled for all voters to vote for or against removal of that official. Recall does not require any particular reason for the recall such as legal violations or dereliction of office.("Impeachment" is another term related to the removal of an official Impeachment proceedings are instituted and concluded by the legislative branch only in order to remove an official for crimes or malfeasance in office. The voters have no say in the impeachment process.)The US Constitution does not allow the recall of the President or of any federal officials , but House of Representatives had the power of impeachment.

How long is Scott Walkers term as governor?

Four years. If he does not win the recall on June 5th, 2012, it will be less than two years. However, Scott Walker has a bill that will allow him to remain as governor for 12 years if he win the recall. The Wisconsin Senate - which is republican controlled - will pass this bill after the recall election.

How are the justices of the state Supreme Court selected?

Some states allow voters to elect their justices, and in some states the governor appoints the justices. A+

What is the law to recall?

A recall election (also called a recall referendum, recall petition or representative recall) is a procedure by which, in certain polities, voters can remove an elected official from office through a direct vote before that official's term has ended.

Can a recall allow the removal of office of a governor or the solicitor general?

No, recalls can only remove members of the Legislative Assembly. The Recall and Initiative Act (British Columbia) does not provide for the removal of a Lieutenant Governor, or of holders of ministerial roles (such as the Solicitor General). However, as ministers are expected to be members of the elected Legislative Assembly, a minister who is subsequently defeated in a by-election would probably be removed by the Lieutenant Governor on the advice of the premier.

What Recall provision allowed voters to do?

Illinois voters could have the chance to vote on whether they want ... This year's measure, Constitutional Amendment 31, would allow voters to cast their ballots .so if you have answers to chose from and one of the is -remember what measures were on the ballot.that is righti just got a question on a test wrong for marking remembers what measures were.the correct answer was remove an elected official from office...

What power did recall give to voters?

The recall is the ability of voters to force a new election of elected public officials.Ê This gave the people the power to prevent abuses of power by threatening and carrying out these recalls. Ê Recalls, which are initiated when sufficient voters sign a petition, have a been recalled and a by-election follows as soon as possible, giving voters.

Does Wisconsin law permit the recall of a govenor?

Absolutely. There is only one catch: the elected official cannot be recalled until they have served at least one year in office. For example, there is a huge push to recall Gov. Walker but the actual recall cannot occur until January of 2012, his first full year in office. He is fully able to be recalled on January of 2012 but not before then. This is the same policy for state representatives.