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My fiancee and I have a beautiful normally developing 18 month old son that we conceived while on heroin... The law states that heroin use in pregnant women is illegal and harmful to the fetus so we switched to a methadone clinic... Her pregnancy was textbook with no problems, however, she went 5 days past her due date and further inquiry at the methadone clinic we attend informed us that most other women experienced the same thing... I will warn u that the baby will be born addicted to the methadone and few doctors have very much experience in this area resulting in a lot of differences in opinion and a lot of trial and error. We went to a very well known prestigious hospital for women in Indianapolis, IN and unfortunately due to the lac of knowledge on the subject our son was basically a guinea pig for 53 days while doctor and nurses tried different combinations of education to wean him off... Basically they kept him sock and suffering for much longer than he should have... Be very careful of how high the pregnant females dose is. Be very careful and thoroughly honest when selecting the hospital you will deliver your baby through, be honest, its not illegal to use methadone while pregnant as long as its doctor prescribed. And I advise breast feeding and weening the child off over a 4 to 6 month period onto a bottle of formula by first breast feeding then pumping and adding the breast milk to first a little than slightly more amounts of formula until ur just giving the baby formula OR the woman slowly weening herself off methadone during breast feeding because though very little methadone actually goes through the breast milk... It doesn't take very much to effect a baby... Also as a side note... We have been pregnant three times in a two year period while both regularly attending the methadone clinic so it hasn't effected us at all, though studies show that sperm level are reduced and a woman's menstrual cycle are all effected by opiate and opioid abuse... Oh last thing.. For some reason methadone makes it difficult to breast feed so ladies prepare for some painful engorgement and frustration of ur planning to breast feed and always remain under the care of a good knowledgeable doctor anytime a baby or pregnancy is involved

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Methadone does not affect fertility. Pregnancy can still occur during methadone maintenance.

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