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Q: Does Metronidazole make you show up positive for PCP or oxycodone on a drug test?
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Are there any legal drugs that would make you test positive for oxycodone?

Oxycodone is an opioid and therefore will test positive for opiates in your system. Any opiate will only be considered "legal" with a prescription.American

What will make you test positive for oxycodone?

I have taken 30mg of oxycodone once two or three days before my drug screen. Will the test be positive, as my boyfriend has a prescription. I have prescriptions for xanax and ritalin, but not for the oxycodone.

Does oxycodone make a drug screen test positive for methamphetamine?

No, taking fentanyl will not give a positive result for a drug test screening for oxycodone. It is a fallacy that all "synthetic opioids" show up as the same compound on a drug test. The fact of the matter is that fentanyl has a vastly different chemical structure than oxycodone, and thus would not give a false positive for it on a drug test. Fentanyl would also not give a positive result for hydrocodone or opiates (morphine, codeine, and heroin).

Does Oxycontin show up on a drug test for opiates?

Ok sick of seeing people posting on forums acting like they know what theyre talking about. So, I'll make it short and sweet. "oxycodone" is sometimes classified as an opiate, but its truly and opioid. Simple 5 or 6 panel drug tests DO NOT test for oxycodone and therefore, will not yield a positive result in the "opiate" section of the screen. However, a 10 or 12 panel drug test (depending on the brand) does specifically test for oxycodone, so if in your system, it will show a positive result in the section labeled "oxy"

What drugs will show positive on a drug test for OPI and OXY?

I would also love to hear the answer to this. I tested negative for opiates and the parole officer said I came out positive for oxy, doesn't make sense to me, I thought it was an opiate

Does oxycodone contain cocaine?

No, contains OXYCODONE as the only active drug.

Can lexapro make you test positive on a urine drug screen?

No, Lexapro is an antidepressant (SSRI), and does not show up positive on a drug test..

Why would heroin show in drug test if you haven't taken it?

If you are taking some prescription medications, or are really addicted to poppy seed bagels[ two or more a day] you may get a false positive. Also, Heroin is an opioid, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone and Codeine are also opioid, so if you took any of these, that would make you test positive also. Had the same thing happen to me when i was scripted Oxycodone and forgot to tell them at the Hospital.

What will vicodin show up as in a urine drug test?

They both show up in the opiate category on a standard drug test, and can be tested for seperately i believe, but for a standard drug test they stay in your system about 3 days max. and will make you test positive for opiates if detected.

Will kush incense make a drug test positive?

No it wont

If I take a drug test will taking Periactin make it positive?

No it will not..

How do you make a drug test read false positive?

I don't know that you can make it read a false positive, but sometimes it just happens to read as a false positive.