

Does Mikan like Natsume

Updated: 9/13/2023
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12y ago

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Umm... Shes clueless about "like" or "love" but I think she likes Natsume... Natsume has a secret crush on Mikan... But Mikan has an innocent crush on Tsubasa... When Natsume found that out, he planned to be around Tsubasa and Mikan so nothing happens... Alot of guys like Mikan... Well... When Mikan and Natsume first met, they hate each other... But day after day, they are getting close to each other... Natsume gets jealous whenever if boys tries to flirt w/ her... They have a poem...

Opposites attract
It's time to face the fact
Just because it seems ur warring at first glance
Realize its this behavior best suited for romance
Know urself then find ur mate
ur one true love is the one u say u "hate"...

That's their poem...
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13y ago

Yeah, he does. Even though he doesn't show it, he does. Ruka likes Mikan too, cause Mikan is like 'Sunshine' to both him and Natsume. Pretty interesting, eh? A love triangle. haha :) -bx

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natsume like mikan not luna. He's just protecting Mikan from Luna.

Why does natsume like mikan?

Natsume likes Mikan because she does not drool all over him like the other girls, she is the ray of light in the darkness to him, and he likes her personality.

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natsume think that mikan is annoying at first but then, he start to love her.

Did mikan and natsume are together?

Yes, Mikan and Natsume in the Gakuen Alice manga are together.

Did mikan like natsume?

Yes they like each other.

Will natsume die?

I dont think that natsume will die. I think mikan will save him. just like the case of nobara. mikan will steal the fire alice from natsume that shortens his life then she will also insert a safe alice like teleportation.

How does mikan fell about natsume?

Yes Mikan does sleep with natsume.... I forget what chapter but i know that he pretended to be stuck to mikan.... (Ruka and Hotaru got stuck...too, but natsume and mikan got unstuck) So they ended up sleeping together and during the middle of the night mikan thinks natsume is sick/weak...(watever) and she calls natsume....he leans over....she says thank god-ness...(i think) .....natsume puts hes hand up and pulls mikan down to him....(not kissing just bed) ...the next day mikan thinks it real...(shes holding his neck when he wakes up) ...natsume thinks she crazy and wakes her up telling her to stop hold her...... SHORT QUESTION ....LONG ANSWER :l ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There seems to be wrong info with the first answer. so I'll just write a new answer. Mikan does sleep with Natsume in chapter 55. But they didn't do anything. For some reason, Natsume held onto Mikan, and pretended to be still stuck to Mikan, even though they were unstuck. They ended up having to sleep together in Natsume's room (with Tsubasa out in the halls, in front of the door.) Natsume wouldn't tell Mikan the reason why he pretended to be still stuck. Mikan thinks about Hanazonokai while Natsume falls asleep. Natsume appears to be having a nightmare and Mikan tries to wake him up. Natsume is half-asleep when he reaches out and hugs Mikan, to Mikan's surprise. He tells Mikan to shut up and that he'll give her back to Ruka and falls asleep while still hugging Mikan. When Mikan wakes up, she's surprise to see that she is hugging Natsume and kissing his forehead. Natsume appears to be annoyed. Mikan insists that Natsume was the first one to hug her but then Natsume don't remember about that event (since he was half-asleep)

Why didn't Natsume tell Mikan about his feelings?

In my opinion, I believe Natsume didn't tell Mikan about his feelings at first because he knew that Ruka was in love with her. At the same time he didn't want to give up on her so he kept it to himself which later on leads Ruka to realize Natsume is in love with Mikan. Ruka gives up on being with Mikan for Natsume and Mikan's sake and Natsume would've done the same thing, so to answer your question I believe he didn't tell her for the same reason Ruka gave up Mikan to Natsume.

Who loved mikan natsume or ruka?

Actually... BOTH of them liked Mikan, but Ruka gave her up because he knew that Natsume loved and needed her. He knew Natsume was in pain and never shared any of his pain to him. But Mikan came and help heal some of that pain, so he knew Mikan was right for Natsume. Ruka gave his blessing to Natsume when he found out he proposed to her.

Will ruka and mikan of Alice academy will be together in the end of the story?

Most likely it will be NAtsume and Mikan, Hotaru and Ruka. not Mikan and Ruka I agree with whoever wrote this! In the last several chapters, not only does Mikan and Natsume tell each other that they like one another, but Higuchi announes it in the 'relationships' box. If ya look, it says that Ruka likes Mikan 'a bit', and that Natsume and Mikan 'like each other'. Plus, the author draws a chapter page showing Mikan and Natsume looking at each other, holding hands, and the caption says: "Mikan and Natsume, the fated pair". So, no, Ruka and Mikan don't stay together. If Hotaru doesn't go for Prez, then she and Ruka will end up falling for each other.

Does natsume and mikan's dad know each other?

well technically they do seeing how mikan's dad was a teacher at the academy and natsume's dad was a student but mikan's dad wasn't around long enough to know natsume was born

Will natsume with mikan?

yes they will be together.