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No they don't lip sync, I know because they often play around with the song, the do lyric changes, sometimes they go low instead of high or vice versa, they even sometimes forget the lyrics. They also sound different too. One Direction doesn't need to lip sync, they are amazaynly talented and know their music.

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Q: Does One Direction lip sing
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Did One Direction and cimorelli sing together?

NO, one direction and cimorelli did not sing togather

What do one direction do for fun?


Who in one direction bites there lip when nervous?

zayn malik

Does one direction sing pop music?

Yes they do sing pop songs

Why doesn't Niall and Louis sing much in One Direction?

Because they can't sing...

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The correct term is "lip sync," which refers to the practice of moving one's lips in synchronization with recorded music or dialogue. "Lip sing" is not a proper term.

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