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Yes he has a tattoo on his right wrist. It´s the name of his daughter Meadow.

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Q: Does Paul Walker have any permanent tattoo?
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Has paul walker got any brothers?

yes, his brothers names are caleb m walker and Cody beau walker

Does paul wesley have any tattoos?

Yes he has a tattoo rose on his right sholder

How can you remove permanet makeup?

Some of it you can't remove--permanent eyeliner is too close to the eye to use any tattoo removal method I'm aware of. Permanent makeup is a tattooing process, so any tattoo removal tool (lasers, mostly) will work on it.

How old do you have to be to get a henna tattoo?

you can pretty ,much be any age, because it's not permanent it wil only last like 3 weeks it's pretty cool because it wont damage your skin like permanent tattoo's do.

Does rapper TI have any tattoos?

yes he has 21 of them!:) No he has none, he has temporary tattoo for a acting role but no permanent ones

Does paul walker have any tattoos?

Meadow is tattooed for his daughter meadow rain and it has a flower with ut

Can a model have a tattoo?

A model can have a tattoo, however, a tattoo can be a complicating factor (although they can be airbrushed out of a photograph if they are not wanted). Your particular tattoo may or may not go well with whatever clothing your are modelling, or whatever effect the photographer is trying to create. If a tattoo is needed for a particular photo, they can always give you a temporary tattoo. And that way they can have the exact tattoo that they want. So I advise against getting any permanent tattoo.

Why is tattoos permanent?

Tattoos are permanent because a needle scratches the skin and leaves ink in the wound pattern (your tattoo design). The scratches then heal around the ink and seal it in. The ink basically becomes part of the body. by the way the ink is a special ink so dont think you can diy a tattoo with any ink

Can you be 16 years old to get a tattoo in R.I?

Not in Rhode Island. You must be at least 18 to get a tattoo. There are specific regulations against making any permanent marks on someone under that age, even with other means of doing so.

Did Elvis have any tattoo's?

Elvis did not have any tattoo's.

Can a man have a unicorn tattoo?

A man can have any tattoo that he wants. If he wants a unicorn tattoo, then he can get a unicorn tattoo.