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No, Satan does not have a trinity like God has a trinity.

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Q: Does Satan have a trinity like God has a Trinity?
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What is trinity in Christ?

The trinity is the father, Son and Holy Ghost. Jesus is part of this trinity as the Son of God.

Did Christian's believe in more then one god?

christians believe there is one creator of all things, God, and that there is a devil named satan. catholics believe the trinity, which is false, the trinity is that God, Jesus, and the Holy Ghost are all one divine being, which is not true.

What is the link between the trinity?

The three persons of the trinity are all God.

What do you call the three divine persons in one god?

the Trinity

Who are the unholy trinity in paradise lost?

In "Paradise Lost," the unholy trinity refers to Satan, Sin, and Death. Satan is depicted as the fallen angel leading the rebellion against God, while Sin and Death are his offspring created from his sinful thoughts. Together, they represent the forces of evil working against God and humanity.

Who was holy trinity?

The holy trinity are (not was) God, Jesus the Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

Who is Jesus in the holy trinity?

Jesus is God manifest in the flesh, in the Holy Trinity.

Is the Trinity real?

A:For believers, the Trinity is very real. For others, the Trinity is not real. The underlying question is whether God exists.

Describe you worship one God in the Trinity and the Trinity in unity?

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Is trinity awesome?

The Trinity is man's attempt to describe the very nature of what God is as found in the Bible. Yes. God is awesome!

Why do Catholics believe that creation is the work of the Trinity?

Because God revealed to us in Genesis that He created everything. He is the Trinity, so creation is the work of the Trinity.

Who ids the second person of the trinity?

If you believe in the Trinity, then there is no second person for God is all three.