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Q: Does Uranus have shepherd moons
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Does Uranus have orbiting moons?

yes their is moons orbiting uranus

When was Shepherd Moons created?

Shepherd Moons was created in 1989.

How many moons revolve around Uranus?

Uranus has 27 moons.

How many moons does Uranus and Neptune have?

Uranus has 27 moons and Neptune has 13 moons

How many moons are on Uranus?

The number of moons on Uranus is 27, they all have names.

For whom Uranus' moons were named?

Uranus's moons were named after famous people

What are the names of the 15 Uranus moons?

uranus has actually 27 moons total

What are uranuss moons?

Uranus has 47 moons. Uranus moons are comets or planets or space trash or asdroids or medeors.

How many moons do Uranus and Earth have?

Uranus has 27 moons and Earth has 1 moon.

How many satellites are on Saturn and Uranus?

Saturn has 62 moons and Uranus has 27 moons.

Does Saturn have shepherd moons?

Yes. Saturn has shepherd moons which keep the rings in place.

Does Uranus have 10 rings and 15 moons?

No Uranus don't have 10 rings and 15 moons