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In reviewing many sites, I have not been able to find any side-effects listed for Vaxa's Attend. Attend is an all natural homeopathic remedy for ADD and ADHD.

The Alternative ADD Treatment site seems to offer a great deal of information and discusses the risks of traditional meds or ADD but mentions no side-effects for Attend. From all the sources I can find, Attend appears to be safe with no apparent side effects.


No, attend is completely safe and non-toxic. Traditional attention deficit medications have numerous side effects, but attend works without harmful side effects, such as stunting the growth of children.

Another great site for ADD/ADHD information is

The site will explain good information about ADD and alternatives besides taking medicine. Most natural treatments don't really have side effects. Diet is an integral part of the remedy since what your child ingests is very important for overall health.

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Q: Does Vaxa's Attend product for ADHD have any side effects?
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Monitor The Effects Of ADHD Drugs?

Beware of taking ADHD drugs, especially if you have a child taking them. Some of the drugs that are prescribed for ADHD make the patient very sleepy and unable to function during the day. The effects are more prevalent in children than in adults. Try changing the diet to eliminate sugary foods and foods that are dyed red to see if this helps.

What happens if i take Ritalin and don't have adhd?

You will get the same effects as someone with ADD/ADHD. It is a stimulant and will most likely give you a euphoria, focus, motivation etc... Adderall is way better BTW.

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You started taking ADHD pills is it bad for your health?

If you are taking ADHD pills and you do not have ADHD, and were not prescribed that medicine, then it is not only for one illegal, but it is also bad for you, it will affect your body in a different way than people with adhd, because the adhd medicines target their brain and temporarily fixes the negative symptoms of adhd by altering the brain chemicals. If you do not have the same brain chemicals, then the medicine will have different effects on your body, so yes it may very well be bad for your health.

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Ritalin is essentially speed, it's a drug. If you DON'T have ADHD you shouldn't take it. It can be addictive so you shouldn't give it to your children without consulting a doctor first.

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ADHD is not associated with different IQ levels; it is a neurobehavioral disorder which effects focus and impulse control. It does not exert a visible difference in IQ levels.

What are the effects of ADHD?

Effects can vary between different people. Most effects include: Hyperactivite & hard time paying attention (this is especially noticed in school). Of course there are much more effects, but those are the most commonly noticed in children with ADHD. Children with ADHD should be exercised whenever possible, so they can focus more.. May include, but not limited to: short attention span, hyperactivity, very talkative, cheerful, enthusiastic. They mostly act before thinking. You should be patient, and tell them when they begin to get out of hand. Trust me. I was like that for the 1st 10 years of my life.

Does ADHD affect quality of work at school?

Yes it does. In fact it can have terrible effects on the quality of work at school and beyond as well as in your social life. If you think you or one of your loved ones has ADD or ADHD you better have it checked as soon as possible. There are many forms of medication and alternative treatments for ADD and ADHD.

Should teens with ADHD be forced to go to special schools?

No person should be forced into any special treatment or system without their consent. If a school environment specialized for a person with ADHD is available, a person with ADHD should be allowed to choose whether he or she would want to attend. In most cases, special schools aren't needed to treat ADHD. The most proven methods include psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and medication.