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This is a rather simple answer. Mercury travels around the sun faster than Venus because it is closer to the Sun. In order for Mercury to be able to be a planet it has to remain a certain distance away from the sun or be dissolved. Mercury is that distance and as a result when it orbits it's Orbital time is significantly less than Venus which is a lot farther away.

For example if you had a friend stand still they would represent the Sun, if you had another friend stand two to three feet away (not to scale) they would be Mercury. Then have another friend stand probably ten feet away from the sun (again not to scale). Then have both friends walk around the friend who represents the sun, the person who is Mercury will have a much smaller circle to walk.

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14y ago
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16y ago

Mercury is closer to the sun. Therfore, it has the shortest distance to make a complete revolution around the sun. I think the year measures to be around 50 days.

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14y ago

By a lot. It takes Mercury 88 days to orbit the sun. Venus - 225 days.

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13y ago

yes its the fastest moving planet with a speed of 50 km per second

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12y ago


It take Venus 224 days to orbit the sun and it takes Mercury 88 days.

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9y ago

Yes because its orbit is smaller, a radius of 0.723 astronomical units compared to 1 AU. That means it travels 17.6% faster in going round the Sun.

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Why does it take Venus quicker than earth to orbit the sun?

Because Venus has less distance to travel, and it has a faster orbital speed than the Earth.

Are all the planets longer than earth's?

Not sure I get what you're asking, but if you mean the length of the year, then no. Venus and Mercury travel around the sun faster than the earth.

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In distance, Venus has a smaller distance to travel than The Earth

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Earth spins faster than Venus.Here's a link for information:

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Mercury and Venus are closer to the Sun than Earth. As a result, they have a shorter way to travel, for a complete orbit around the Sun. Besides, they also go faster - this is also related to their smaller distance from the Sun.

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Mercury and Venus

What two planets orbit the sun faster than earth?

Mercury and Venus

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Orbiting faster than any planet in our Solar System, Mercury goes around the Sun about every 88 Earth days. it is also the smallest planet, and the closest to the Sun. Mercury has no known satellites. Venus orbits the Sun about every 224.7 Earth days. It is the second-closest planet to the Sun, and also has no known satellites.

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