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Q: Does a Gumboot chiton Live In a group?
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When was Gumboot chiton created?

Gumboot chiton was created in 1847.

Can you eat gumboot chiton?


What group is a chiton in?

Chiton's are marine molluscs in the Polyplacophora class. They used to be known as Amphineura.

What group does the chiton belong to?

They belong in the Molluscs Phylum.

What age group is needed to do gumboot dance?

What age is needed to dance gumboots

What kind of animal is a Chiton?

A chiton is a type of mollusc that lives in oceans worldwide. Chitons are capable of living in cold and warm water. They typically do no live beyond the photic zone of the ocean.

What is Chiton?

A chiton is a type of clothing the Greeks wore

Who wears the Chiton?

The Chiton was worn by the ancient Greeks.

What is the genus for chiton?

im trying 2 find out 2... everyone plz help

When was Chiton magnificus created?

Chiton magnificus was created in 1844.

When was Chiton tuberculatus created?

Chiton tuberculatus was created in 1758.

When did Gumboot dancing start?

gumboot dancing started in the 1880.....answer by Kelly Botha:)