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Birds are endothermic animals so they control their own temperature (warm blooded) unlike exothermic animals which are cold blooded and depend on the outside environment for temperature control

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6mo ago

Yes, a bird's body temperature can be influenced by the outside environment. Birds are warm-blooded animals, meaning they can regulate their body temperature internally. However, they can also adjust their metabolic rate and behavior to respond to changes in the surrounding temperature, helping them maintain a stable body temperature in different environments.

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Q: Does a bird's body temperature depend on the outside environment?
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Endothermic because they maintain a stable internal body temperature separate to that of the ambient (surrounding) environment. Ectotherms are generally cold blooded animals ie. reptiles, insects, fish, worms (anything that isn't a mammal or bird). They rely on the outside environment for their body heat and don't generate their heat internally like mammals and birds do

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Ectotherm- an animal whose body temperature changes with the temperature of its surrounding environment. Endotherm- an animal whose body temperature does not change with its surrounding environment. Ectotherms are animals like snakes and lizards that change their body temp with the ambient temperature. Endotherms are humans and other mammals like birds that keep there body temperature the same no matter what the climate is like. The process of homeostasis regulates our body temperature through negative feedback. For example, when our body temperature decreases due to the cold environment, we shiver to increase the body temperature. When the body temperature increases, we sweat to decrease the body temperature.

What is the difference between ectothermic and ectothermic animals?

Ectothermic refers to "cold blooded" animals: that is, they have little or no regulation of their internal temperature. If it's cold out, they're cold, if it's warm, they're warm. Endothermic refers to "warm blooded" animals (like us). They keep their internal temperature the same no matter what the outside temperature is.

What are homoethermic animals?

Homoeothermic animals are types of animals that maintain consistent body temperature no matter what kind of environment they are in. These are warm-blooded animals like birds and mammals.

Are you an ectotherm or an endotherm?

Endotherms. We self-regulate our internal temperature, like other mammals and birds. Ectotherms' temperatures are dependent on the ambient environment, like reptiles and fish.

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