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Q: Does a blue flame require less air or more?
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Which flame has more heat a steady blue flame or a yellow flame?

Blue flame. because it does not have carbon

What is more powerful a red flame or a blue flame?

blue flames are hotter

Is the blue flame hotter than yellow flames?

A blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame because a blue flame has more oxygen, so it has more energy to create extra heat. Therefore, a blue flame is more dangerous and a yellow flame is used in laboratories. The hottest part of the blue flame is right under the middle, this part is called the crown !!

Why are people recommended to use a blue flame on a Bunsen burner to heat a substance rather than the yellow flame?

The blue flame is hotter. It also burns more efficiently, producing less soot, so you don't get black marks on vessels left in the flame for a long time. The yellow "safety" flame should be used when not heating something as it is cooler and more visible, so you're less likely to accidentally burn yourself.

Give two reasons why the yellow flame is safer on busen burner?

A blue flame is hotter than a yellow flame simply because a blue flame has more oxygen to create extra energy,while red flames have less oxygen to create heat.

Is a Bunsen burner flame is easy to see when it is yellow or blue?

It is easier to see when it is yellow. It produces more heat energy and less light energy when it is blue. The yellow flame produces more light energy than heat energy. That makes it more visible

When using a Bunsen burner why do you use the blue flame for heating?

The blue flame is hotter then the orange one. Plus the temperature of the flame is not constant in a orange flame but it is more constant in a blue one.

Does a yellow flame produces more energy or does a blue flame?


Is the blue or yellow flame noisier on a Bunsen burner?

The Blue Flame Will Be Noisier. The Yellow Flame Is Called A Safety Flame Because Everyone can See it. There Are Two Blue Flames: Medium Roaring The Roaring Flame Has A Blue Cone In The Middle Of The Flame And It Is The Hottest. It Also Has More Oxygen. But Overall, The Blue Flames Will Be Noisier Than The Yellow Flame.

What part of the flame in a Bunsen burner is much more heater?

The hottest part is the internal flame triangle in the blue flame (roaring blue flame) - up to 700 0C.

What is the blue flame of a Bunsen burner for?

The blue flame is caused by allowing more air into the stem of the Bunsen burner - it produces a fiercer, hotter flame. If the air flow is restricted, the flame turns yellowish and is more like a wax candle.

Why is yellow flame called a safety flame?

Because it is cooler and more visible than a blue flame, making it safer.