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they don't :)

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Q: Does a blue shell crab hibernate and if it does where?
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Do night crawlers hibernate?

do crabs hibernate? <--that is the worst answer ever. (to whoever did that) yes crabs hibernate because if you have ver had a hermit crab the time around winter they go in thier shell for a really long time. .__.

What happens before the crab is caught in the dish called soft shelled crab?

A soft shell crab, often referred to as a softie, is a recently molted crab. Usually it's a Blue crab that is served as a soft shell dish. The crab will shed it's old shell when it has grown out of it. The new shell will be soft but only for a couple of days.

What does a neon blue striped hermit crab live in?

A shell suite

How does a blue crab eat oysters?

First the crab picks up the oyster then inserts it into the crabs mouth, then the crab chews the hard shell until it has turned into a mushy substance later on the blue crab than swallows the oyster.

Does an turtle hibernate?

yes they do they hibernate they do in there shell

Do the blue crabs have a defense tactic?

yes. there defense is there shell. there shell protects them from things like a rock if it falls on the crab

Is a crab a shellfish?

Shell fish are more like hermit crabs living in a shell, crayfish are like mini lobsters....Crayfish, Shellfish, Jellyfish and Silverfish are not real fish!The answer is NO.

How does the crab shell protects the crab?

The shell may keep the crab warm.NJASK Practice choice.

What composes the crab shell?

The crab shell is made up of chitin.

What is a crab shell called?

A crab's shell is called a carapace.

What is the color of soft shell crab?

Just like the blue crab it's the same color,but it's in it's multing phase

Is the hermit crab's shell fragile?

It depends who the Hermit Crab borrowed its shell from.