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The average yearly salary of a brain surgeon is $535,398. The average yearly salary of an FBI agent is $89,930. These means a brain surgeon does make more than an FBI agent.

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Q: Does a brain surgeon make more a year than FBI agents?
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How much does a brain surgeon make in Atlanta Georgia?

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Do brain surgeons make more money then neurosurgeon?

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Does a brain surgeon make more than an anethesiologist?

Brain surgeons, or neurosurgeons, have a median income of $536,057 per year. Anesthesiologists have a median salary of $350,123 per year, so neurosurgeons make more.

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A Neurosurgeon makes more money.

Does a neuro surgeon make more than a heart surgeon?

The average salary of a heart transplant surgeon is 523,999 dollars. The average salary of a brain surgeon is 529,176. Brain surgeons, on average, make around 5000 dollars a year more than heart surgeons.

What is the salary of a brain specialist?

A brain specialist is a doctor who specializes in brains. A doctor typically makes around 60,000 dollars a year in this specialty. A brain surgeon makes much more.

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More than a cashier at McDonalds, but less than a brain surgeon.

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What makes more money a medical examiner or a brain surgeon?

Far and away a neurosurgeon makes more money than a medical examiner.

Do brain surgeons make more money then anesthesiologists?

The salary of a brain surgeon, also known as a neurosurgeon, and an anesthesiologist can vary greatly. Depending on experience and location, one may earn more than the other. The average salary of a neurosurgeon is about $368,000 annually. The average salary of an anesthesiologist is about $348,831 annually.

How much does a surgeon get for a salary?

The average full-time surgeon can make anywhere between $250,000 - $300,000 (or more) per year.