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because your mum ate it- what a stupid answer! Normally when your pregnant your cervix will be higher up, very soft, and swollen kind of like a ripe fruit. It will also be closed. You might be getting close to starting your cycle if its low, but the position changes throughout the day so make sure you check it at the same time every day.

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7y ago

The cervix has no bearing on early symptoms of pregnancy; you are confusing facts about what happens to the cervix during labor. The cervix always feels "hard" except in labor. The best determiner of pregnancy is HPT or a blood test which both look for a rise in hormones.

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14y ago

Yes it could mean that you are pregnant but it could also mean that you are going to get your period. If you think you are pregnant, the true way to tell is to take a HPT.

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12y ago

yes you could be or have a yeast infection that's gone deep into your vaginal area or be appraoching ovulation or your period. this can sometimes cause your cervix to be high.

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Hi, Not necessarily no.

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Q: If a cervix is high hard and it feels closed could you be pregnant?
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How do your cervix's feel when your pregnant?

Take the tip of your finger and press the tip of your nose. This is how a non-pregnant cervix generally feels. Now take the tip of your finger and press the fullest point of your bottom lip. A pregnant cervix generally feels "soft and mushy." You cannot feel it from the outside.

Is your cervix open or closed if pregnant?

Closed. It is one of the ways your body helps to protect your baby. The cervix only opens slightly to allow the sperm in during ovulation, then if pregnancy occurs it closes and what is known as a "Mucus Plug" fills in the rest of the gap. As the woman gets closer to delivery, one of the signs of early labor is when she loses her mucus plug.. that occurs when the cervix is begining to dilate. At full dilation the cervix is open only 10 cm. There is one caveat to this, sometimes the cervix is "weak" or "incompetent" when it begins to dialate BEFORE approx 36 weeks. In this instance there is a procedure available called Cervical Cerclage. It is when the cervix is stitched shut to prevent miscarriage or early delivery of the baby. for more info on this procedure please cut and paste this link.

What does the cervix of a pregnant woman look and feel like?

The cervix of a pregnant woman looks bluish or purple depending on how far along they are. it feels like a very ripe fruit. when you stick your hand in to feel it should come back down quickly or fall down with your hand.

My stomach feels heavy and i feel nausea could i be pregnant?

Yes you are very much pregnant.

You have not got your period your stomch hurts and it feels bigger?

You could be pregnant.

What is the indication of increased white blood cells on cervix?

It could just mean that there is an infection around the cervix or it could mean something greater. You have to wait for the Pap tests to come back but women often have inflammation of the cervix. Your doctor might prescribe an antibiotic prior to the test results if she or he feels that an infection is present.

Is it normal have a soft lump at the end of your cervix that feels like it has a small hole in it?

Its your cervix that's completely normal.

34 weeks pregnant with chronic stomach ache nausea and severe headache I have a cerclage also and it feels like it is ripping through my cervix Previous preterm labor what do you think it is?


My cervix feels open can I still be pregnant?

I'm actually trying to find out the same thing. I'm going through a tremendous amount right now and would love some positive results

Where should the cervix be in early?

During ovulation the cervix is soft, high,open and wet. Around the time of menstruation the cervix is low and hard. I've heard OB/GYNs making this analogy when referring to a pregnant vs. non-pregnant cervix: A non-pregnant cervix feels like a hard, unripe piece of fruit, while a pregnant cervix is more like an almost over-ripe plum. It becomes very tender and engorged with blood, especially early on in pregnancy.In the early stages of pregnancy you may notice that your cervix will rise a bit and become softer, but the timing of this happening will vary from woman to woman. You may see the change in your cervix shortly before your period is due or you may not feel this for several weeks.As the pregnancy progresses you will probably have an increase in vaginal discharge, but the cervical mucous is fairly minimal during pregnancy. Some women may notice a change in their cervix in very early pregnancy but cervical position is not a good sign of pregnancy. That is because the cervix changes not only from woman to woman but from day to day and could even be different in the same woman at different times of the day. I would recommend to check your cervix right after your period ends and check it every day, at the same time, in the same position. That way you know how your cervix is suppose to feel at what point during your cycle and if it doesn't feel that it's suppose to you could use that to help you determine pregnancy. For a woman that doesn't check her cervix regularly I would say it's next to impossible to determine if she's pregnant or not by checking it. Your cervix should be high just like during ovulation, except closed. It will also still feel soft, more like lips. Unless you've been checking your cervix consistently there is almost no way to tell where you are in your cycle through this method. Remember to wash your hands before you check, but other than that, you should have no problems with infection. Just don't get your hopes up that you'll be able to detect pregnancy through your cervical position, especially if you haven't been monitoring it's position already.

Could one be pregnant if before eating one feels nauseated and then after eating one feels nauseated?

While this COULD be ONE symptom of pregnancy, there are a lot of other things that can cause it as well.