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A concrete noun is something you can see, hear, taste, smell or touch.

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Q: Does a concrete noun have to be something you can touch?
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Is noise a concrete or abstract noun?

It is a concrete noun, as it is something that is perceived with the senses (in this case, hearing).

How do you distinguish a concrete noun from an abstract noun?

An abstract noun is something that doesn't appeal to your five senses. You can't see, touch, taste, hear, or smell it. A concrete noun is something that you can see, touch, taste, hear, or smell.

Is the noun ocean is concrete noun . why?

Yes, the noun 'ocean' is a concrete noun.A concrete noun is a word for something that can be experienced by any of the five physical senses; something that can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, or touched.The ocean can be seen, heard, smelled, tasted, and touched.

Is bullet a concrete noun?

A concrete noun refers to something that can be experienced through the senses. The term bullet is a noun which describes an object that can be experienced through senses of touch, sight, or smell. Therefore the word bullet is a concrete noun.Put simply, a concrete noun is a word which describes an actual, physical object: something we can see or touch, a material object, such as book, window, tree and so on.If a noun describes something we cannot see or touch, an intangible non-material concept such as the term conceptitself, or time, peace, stress and so on, this is referred to as an abstract noun.

Is tuba a concrete noun?

yes because it is something that you can see or touch that makes it concrete it's a noun because it is a thing a noun is a person place or thing

Is jazz a concrete or abstract noun?

The noun jazz is an abstract noun. Music, written or heard, is a concrete noun, but the type of music is something that is recognized, understood, or known. The style of music is in how it's played.

Is Virginia a concrete or abstract noun?

It is a place, and a proper noun. It is a concrete noun that you can see and touch when you are there.

Is it a concrete or abstract noun?

Concrete. You can see and touch a typewriter.

Is hospitality a concrete noun word?

A concrete noun is something you can physically see and touch, like a chair or book. Hospitality is an abstract noun, which is intangible.

Is adventure a concrete or abstract noun?

Abstract as you can not physically touch adventure

What are the two classifications of noun?

concrete and abstract concrete is something physical, like something you can touch. like a building abstract is the exact opposite something that's there but you can see or feel. like love, or a scent

Typewriter is it a concrete or abstract noun?

Concrete. You can see and touch a typewriter.