

Does a cube have only one base?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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no it doesnt...every face can be a base..

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Q: Does a cube have only one base?
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What is the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is the bottom of a cube.

Does a cube have 1 base or 2?

You can set a cube down on any one if its sixsides.

Does a cube have a base?

yes because their are 6 bases and one of them are the bottom base

If the volume of a cube is 8 Why is the shortest distance from the center of the cube to the base of the cube 1?

The volume of a cube is the length of one of its sides (since all sides have equal length, for a cube) cubed. To find the side length from the volume, find the cubic root - in this case, it is easy as the cubic root of 8 is exactly 2. Now, because the centre of the cube is halfway between one side and its opposite, and one side being its base, the distance from the centre to that base will be half of its side length. For this cube, this is 2/2 which is 1.

What is the length of a base 10 cube.?

10, one of the characteristics of a cube is that all of its sides are the same length.

How many shapes an faces does a cube have?

A cube has only one shape and that is of a cube! It has six faces.

What are the no. of spaces in cube?

A cube encloses only one contiguous space.

Is the base of a cube a square?

Yes. The cube has 6 faces. Whichever one you set it down on, it's sitting on a square.

What are the different cube shapes names?

There is only one cube shape and it is called a cube or a regular hexahedron.

What is the formula for measuring base area of a cube?

A cube has all sides equal. The base area of cube = any surface of cube. All sides are squares (since all lengths are equal). So, the base area of cube = length * breadth.

How is a square pyramid and a cube different?

In a square pyramid, there are triangles as some of the sides. Only the base is a square, whereas in a cube, all faces are squares.

What shape is the base of a cube?

The base of a cube is always a square. All of the lengths of each side of a cube are the same, and every angle is 90 degrees.