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A blow out only occurrs if the piercing is ripped or infected. a fresh piercing can blow out

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Q: Does a ear blowout happen directly after a stretch?
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What are blowouts regarding your ears?

An "ear blowout" is when the skin in your pierced earlobe gets pushed through to the back; looking like there is a tube of skin coming out the back of your ear. Don't clean a piercing with rubbing alcohol. It dries your skin and makes it more likely for a blowout. Also stretch slowly and don't skip sizes on hole enlargements (although you may get impatient).

Is it safe to stretch your ears when you have a blowout why or why not?

No. If you stretch with a blowout it will only get worse. Blowouts can get big, nasty, and painful. If they get big enough, they'll prevent you from stretching. Not to mention that they just look disgusting and other serious stretchers will know that you don't take care of your ears like you should. Just downsize a size or two, get your ear back to normal, and take your time stretching back up.

What do you do when your earlobes stick out after you stretch them?

Look up pictures of blowouts. If your lobes look like that, down size a lot. Like 2 or 3 sizes.If you don't the blowout will get worse and eventually your ear will just give out.

How does one use ear stretchers?

First you must have a pierced ear that is a few months old. Then you use an taper or stretch to slowly stretch the hole. You need to do it very slowly over time in order to properly stretch your ear.

Can you stretch ear straight after peicing?

if u stretch ur ear right after peircing it u can ruin ur ear trust me my friend did it i suggest u wait until its fully healed and then stretch it but only strect it one or 2 sizes up don't do too much too soon

Is it possible to stretch your ear to 10mm in 6months If you're only starting?

It is possible to stretch your ear to 10mm in 6 months even if you're only starting. Be sure to stretch it gradually and carefully and stop if an infection or persistent pain results.

Why do Africans stretch their ear lobes?

Coz for some its a tradition

What is the record for ear streching?

A man named Bear has the record for ear stretching. He has a 5.5 inch stretch to his earlobes.

How does a 14 yr old suddenly become deaf in one ear?

well in this day-in-age you blowout your ears by listening to loud music.

Is it okay to stretch your ear from a 5 mm to an 8 mm?

no i hope nobody did that

Can you get your ear pierced with a 10g stretch and not get it stretched any further?

Yep, you can get it pierced with a 10ga needle. Its totally up to you whether or not you stretch a piercing so you don't have to stretch it if you dont want to.

What can happen if you break you ear bones?

You will go deaf by that ear.