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No. Only light. bcoz light is a transverse wave where as sound is a longitudinal wave.electromagnetic consist of all transverse waves

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Q: Does a electromagnetic spectrum consists of sound waves and light waves?
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Why is sound not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Could it be that the frequency of sound waves are to low?

The electromagnetic spectrum includes what?

The electromagnetic spectrum includes electromagnetic waves with a continuous flow of the wavelength.

Are sound waves part of the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound waves and electromagnetic waves are different. Sound is composed of density waves in the air or some other form of matter. Sound is a mechanical compression-rarefaction wave. The different types of electromagnetic waves are gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves.

Sound is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum because?

because sound waves are not a electromagnetic waves because they need a medium for travel....hence electromagnetic spectrum is based on the electromagnetic waves radio waves , micro waves , etc....

Does energy make up sound?

Sound is energy. It is part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Which band of the electromagnetic spectrum has the lowest frequency?

That would be sound waves, or the audio spectrum.

Why isn't sound a part of the em spectrum?

Sound is a mechanical wave, not an electromagnetic wave.

Why wouldn't you plot soundwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum?

The electromagnetic spctrum has nothing to do with sound; it's about the sun's energy.

Are infrared waves sound waves?

No; sound is a mechanical wave, infrared is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

What part of the electromagnetic spectrum does the ultrasonic wave falls into?

An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.An ultrasonic wave is not an electromagnetic wave; it is a sound wave.

What are five different types of waves in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Sound waves Radio waves Microwave Visible light X-rays Y-rays

What does not belong in the electromagnetic spectrum x-ray or sound or infrared ray or radio wave?

sound does not belong to the list.