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no they don't have any

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Q: Does a flying fox have a tail?
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Does a grey headed flying fox have a tail?

yes the flying fox does have a tail like a squirrel.

What do you call a fox's tail?

A fox's tail is called a brush.A brush

Which is grammatically correct foxes tail or fox's tail?

"Fox's tail" is grammatically correct. It is using the possessive form ('s) to show that the tail belongs to the fox.

What is the plural form of flying fox?

The plural form of flying fox is flying foxes.

What is the fox's tail called?

A fox's tail is usually refered to as a "brush".

Is there such thing of a flying fox in Austrila?

There are four types of flying foxes that are native to Australia. They are the black flying fox, the gray headed flying fox, the little red flying fox, and the spectacled flying fox. Their scientific names, in the same order, are Pteropus alecto, Pteropus poliocephalus, Pteropus scapulatus, and Pteropus conspicillatus.

When was Insular Flying Fox created?

Insular Flying Fox was created in 1830.

When was Guam flying fox created?

Guam flying fox was created in 1934.

When was Temotu Flying Fox created?

Temotu Flying Fox was created in 1930.

When was Vanikoro Flying Fox created?

Vanikoro Flying Fox was created in 1869.

When was Black Flying Fox created?

Black Flying Fox was created in 1837.

When was Bonin Flying Fox created?

Bonin Flying Fox was created in 1829.