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yes insulators reduce the flow of heat because it doesnt allow for heat to go through very easily. alexis marroquin

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A good insulator prevents heat from easily transferring through it by slowing down the movement of heat energy. This is achieved by creating barriers that impede the transfer of thermal energy through conduction, convection, and radiation.

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12y ago

It slows it's passage.

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Q: Does a good insulator prevent heat from getting through it or does it simply slow its passage?
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Does good insulators prevent heat from getting through it or does it simply slow its passage?

Good insulators prevent heat from getting through them by limiting the transfer of heat energy from one side of the material to the other. This is achieved by slowing down the movement of heat through the material via methods such as trapping air pockets or reducing thermal conductivity.

What are thermal insulators?

A thermal insulator slows or stops the passage of heat through it.

Primary characteristic that makes a good insulator?

A good insulator has high resistance to the flow of heat or electricity. This means it does not allow easy passage of thermal energy or electrical current through it, which helps maintain temperature or prevent electrical discharge.

What do you call a material that does not let electricity pass through it?

A material that does not conduct (or allow the 'passage' of) electricity is called an "insulator".

How are conductor and insulator alike?

They are not alike at all. A conductor allows for the free passage of electrons throughout its body, while an insulator does not allow electrons to flow through its body.

What is an insulator that you can see through?

One example of an insulator that you can see through is glass. Glass is a transparent material that can effectively block the flow of electricity due to its high resistivity. It is commonly used in windows and insulating materials in electronic devices to prevent electrical currents from passing through.

What is the difference between conduct and insulate?

Insulation is keeping the heat inside, trapping it and not letting out. Conduction is letting a flow, such as electricity, pass through the material. for example, metal is a wonderful conductor of heat and electricity, but a bad insulator. However, wool is a good insulator and a bad conductor. :) hope that helps!

What does a an insulator resists?

An insulator resists the flow of electrical current. It does not allow the movement of electrons easily, helping to prevent the loss of energy through heat. Insulators are commonly used to protect against electrical shock and to prevent electrical interference between components.

What word beginning with p is a material that does not let heat flow through it?

The word you are looking for is "insulator". Insulators are materials that prevent or slow down the transfer of heat through them.

Does a good insulator prevent thermal energy from flowing through it?

Yes, a good insulator slows down the transfer of thermal energy through it. This is achieved by reducing the conduction, convection, and radiation of heat.Examples of good insulators include materials like fiberglass, foam, and ceramic.

What is the scientific word for does not conduct?

The scientific term for a material that does not conduct electricity is "insulator." Insulators have high electrical resistance and prevent the flow of electrical current through them.

What does insulate mean in electrical wiring?

An insulator is some material which creates a barrier for some form of energy, and makes it difficult for that energy to pass; the usual types would be electrical insulators (such as the plastic that is wrapped around wires), heat insulators (such as clothing, fiberglass insulation etc.), or acoustic insulators which impede the passage of sound (acoustic tiles, or thick walls are examples).