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If you are referring to the oven, the answer could be yes, as the turn table moves.

However if you are referring to the electromagnetic wave known as a microwave then this is a form of electromagnetic energy...

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10y ago
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12y ago

Microwave energy is a form of electromagnetic energy. However, a microwave oven, which is also referred to as a microwave, can have mechanical parts, such as a turntable, a convection fan, or a mechanical timer.

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11y ago

Microwaves do not store any chemical energy in them at all

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12y ago

A Microwave is defined as the region of the electromagnetic spectrum between radio waves and infra red. They cause rotation in molecules and have a wavelength between 1*10^-3 m and 1m

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9y ago

No. Toasters make use of electrical and thermal energy.

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15y ago

no at all

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How is kinetic energy used in a microwave oven?

Kinetic energy is the mechanical energy (thermal energy) that does the heating/cooking in a microwave oven. The microwaves that the oven generates stimulate chemical bonds in food, and this is the conversion of electromagnetic energy into that heat we mentioned.

What kind of compound is microwave?

Microwave is applying microwave radiation to chemical reaction.

What energy transformation occurs in an oven?

The electricity (electromagnetic energy) that drives the microwave oven is routed to the magnetron, which generates the microwave energy. (The electricity and microwave energy are both forms of electromagnetic energy.) The microwaves travel through a waveguide into the cavity (the cooking space) in the oven, and used to excite chemical bonds in the food items. This is a conversion of microwave energy (electromagnetic energy) into the mechanical energy of heat.

Is light energy used in a microwave oven?

The microwave energy in a microwave oven is of a much lower frequency than light, but light is electromagnetic energy like the microwave radiation is.

List some examples of energy conversion?

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity. Wind turbines convert wind energy into electricity. Gasoline engines in cars convert chemical energy into kinetic energy. Photosynthesis in plants converts sunlight into chemical energy.

What is the energy conversion for microwave?

The type of energy conversion for a microwave is the transformation of electrical energy into light energy. This device works by focusing microwave light on the food inside of it.

A microwave oven converts electrical energy into what energy?

Into microwave electromagnetic radiation.

Microwave is an example of what kind of energy transformation?

The microwave oven uses electrical energy to generate microwaves, which are a form of electromagnetic radiation. When the microwaves enter the food, they transfer their energy to the water molecules inside the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. This transformation is an example of electrical energy being converted into electromagnetic energy and then into thermal energy.

Does a microwave use radiant energy?

Yes, a microwave uses electromagnetic radiation in the form of microwaves to heat food by exciting the water molecules inside it. This process converts the energy from the microwaves into heat, effectively cooking the food.

What kind of energy does a microwave oven use?

A microwave oven uses electricity to generate electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This radiation is absorbed by water, fats, and sugars in food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat, which cooks the food.

What energy does a microwave have?

heat energy

What kind of energy makes a microwave work?

Microwaves work by producing electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. This radiation generates heat by causing water, fat, and sugar molecules in food to vibrate quickly, creating friction and heating the food.