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Q: Does a newborn baby have more muscles than an adult?
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Is 115 kilograms the same as a newborn baby?

No :) A new born baby would usually be anything from 6 to 10 pounds in the UK - which is about 2.7kg to about 4.5kg. My newborn was 3.75 kg :) 115Kg would be more like an adult's weight - 18 stone...

Why must you know the physical characteristics of a newborn baby?

During the first three months of your baby's life, reflexes govern much of her behavior. As these newborn reflexes fade, more purposeful movements replace them. As she gains strength and coordination in her muscles, your baby explores and manipulates objects in her environment. Each day, she moves more competently.

How many bones are in a newborn baby?

when the baby is born, they have 300 bones but the bones are little. As you gradually become older, your bones join and become joints. So that's why adults have 206 bones.

What are differences between adult and baby hands?

Adult hands are typically larger in size compared to baby hands. Adult hands have well-defined joints and stronger muscles, while baby hands are more delicate and have soft, pliable bones. In addition, adult hands have more developed fine motor skills and dexterity than baby hands.

How many muscles does an adult have?

We have about 600 or more muscles that are connected to the bones610

What are the difference in the color of a baby rat to a baby mouse?

A baby rat is more likely to be a dark colour when it is newborn, but a baby mouse is pink.

Do you have more bones or more muscles?

Muscles develop first. Cartilage forms in place of many bones in the embryo and baby, to make it more flexible on its way out of the womb. The cartilage is then replaced by bones in a process called ossification, and is usually finished by the time the baby is 6 months old. There are 206 bones in an adult body, you have more bones when you're younger. Though, the exact number of muscles is not know, there are a lot more muscles. A rough estimate of more than 600 muscles.

Why might an adult human have more cells then a baby human?

The adult is bigger so it needs more cells than a baby.

What nutritional needs are higher lactation or pregnancy?

Lactation--a newborn baby consumes more than a baby in utero.

What does a baby have more of than an adult?


How big is a new born baby's brain?

A newborn baby's brain is about 25% the size of an adult brain. It weighs around 350-400 grams at birth and continues to grow rapidly in the first few years of life.

What is the skeleton of a newborn baby made of?

A newborn baby's skeleton is primarily made of cartilage, which gradually hardens into bone over time as the baby grows. This process, known as ossification, enables the baby's skeleton to become stronger and more durable as they develop.