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In most cases you will fell no warning signs ,only when you are actually having one these are some ; Headache, paralysis usually one one side only, and doubled vision, or loss of vision. sudden jaw pain associated with left arm pain is a sing of a heart attack. also, sudden weakness, speech impairment, and incorrdination , again on one side of the body are also signs of a stroke . SEE DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY. in some cases you will not notice, but others will..

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Not necessarily. It could be several types of headaches: from stress, congestion, a migrane, cluster headache. Migranes and cluster headaches are both extremely painful.

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Q: Is jaw pain and a headache precursor of a stroke?
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Temporal Arteritis is an uncommon inflammatory disease, that can be very serious. Headache, changes in vision and jaw pain can be symptoms of Temporal Arteritis.

I have Very sore sudden jaw pain and headache?

These symptoms are somewhat vague and could be the sign of anything from a bad tooth, TMJ dysfunction, to Temporal Arteritis or trigeminal neuralgia. To get a proper diagnosis, see a physician or headache specialist.

What does it mean when you have c migraine headache for approximately four months that does not go away numbness down your left side and in your jaw?

If you are in constant migraine pain, along with constant neurological symptoms such as numbness, it may not be a migraine at all. It is important to seek the help of a neurologist to rule out other causes, such as a herniated disc or a stroke.

Could a sinus infection cause jaw pain?

They can be...Human sinuses are broken into four groups known collectively as the paranasal sinuses. These four groups are: maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoids. All four are located in the bones of our skulls, but they are also attached to the nose. When one of them becomes infected it can affect more than just the nasal passages. It can cause pain and swelling in the eyes, face, or jaw. For example, the maxillary sinuses; which are located beneath the eyes and also in the facial cheekbones on the side of the nose, can cause jaw pain when they become infected.A sinus headache is a symptom of inflamed, congested sinuses. To get rid of your headache, you must reduce the inflammation in your sinuses. Learning the cause will make it easier to treat.Regards!

Can you open your mouth with minimal pain if your jaw is broke?

no because your jaw is broken.

Can a infected top tooth infect the lower jaw?

No, but a toothache in the upper jaw can refer pain to the lower jaw.

Can tmj cause neck and jaw pain?

TMJ is a disease that can indeed cause neck and jaw pain. In fact TMJ is diagnosed by these pains.

I have pain in jaw joints when I chew food or move my lower jaw from left to right. What can I do to stop the pain?

It is probably natural cause I get them too.

What is the main cause of jaw pain?

Jaw pain could be a symptom of TMJ, fibromyalgia, arthritis, sinus infections, teeth grinding, swollen glands, or dental problems.

Does swimmers ear affect your jaw?

Yes if its causing enough pain that moving your jaw is uncomfortable