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Q: Does a plant need sunlight to germinate?
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Why seeds do not germinate in packet?

seeds need some conditions to germinate which they do not get inside a sealed packet. the conditions are : air, moisture, warmth. in other words it needs water, air and favourable temperature to germinate.

Do seeds need sunlight to start germinating?

Absolutely! Sunlight is essential for plants to grow.there is a big difference between what a plant needs to grow and what a seed needs to germinate. most seeds require darkness to germinate, some are light inhibited and a few require light to germinate- most notable of these is lettuce.

A plant grow from what?

Insufficient sunlight or water. Some plant seeds will not germinate if the temperature is too cold.

Why do seeds need sunlight to germinate?

The process by which a parent plant produces a baby plant or seedling is called germination. Seeds need germination because then there will be less plants in the world, like humans do seeds also need germination.

Why do seeds not need sunlight to germinate?

Because they live underground.

Why doesn't a seed need sunlight to germinate?

Seeds need sunlight for germination because without sunlight the seed will never Germinate ever so seeds need sunlight not only sunlight it also need water and flower foods Save answered by ridzz my nik name okk thank u for visiting

Would you expect most seeds to need sunlight in order to germinate?

No. Seeds are usually underground when they germinate, no light needed.

How much sunlight does plant need?

how much sunlight does a plant need

Is sunlight needed for seed germination?

Sunlight is not need to germinate seeds. All that is needed is moisture and the proper temperatures.

Seed need sunshine to start growing?

* Absolutely! Sunlight is essential for plants to grow. there is a big difference between what a plant needs to grow and what a seed needs to germinate. most seeds require darkness to germinate, some are light inhibited and a few require light to germinate- most notable of these is lettuce.

What prevents a plants from growing?

Insufficient sunlight or water. Some plant seeds will not germinate if the temperature is too cold.

Is sunlight needed to germinate a Lima bean seed?

No, because sunlight can not reach a seed when it is in the soil, but plants still germinate.