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The heat is transferred to a medium such as air or water.

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2w ago

A refrigerant gives up heat when it condenses, meaning it changes from a gas to a liquid. When it evaporates or vaporizes, the refrigerant absorbs heat from its surroundings.

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14y ago

its called evaporation, one of the three ways matter changes

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12y ago

This is the expansion stage of the cycle.

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Q: Does a refrigerant give up heat when it condenses evaporates or vaporizes?
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When a solution evaporates what may be left behind?

When a solution evaporates, what may be left behind are the solute(s) that were dissolved in the solvent. As the solvent evaporates, the solute(s) become more concentrated until they eventually crystallize or solidify, leaving a residue behind. This residue can vary depending on the nature of the solute(s) in the solution.

Define a near-azeotropic refrigerant blend and give two examples.?

a blended refrigerant with less than 10F temperature glide, 41oA and 404A are examples.

Does isopropyl give off a strong smell similar to nail varnish remover or surgical spirit?

Isopropyl alcohol does, indeed, give off a fairly strong odor as it evaporates... but airing the place out would rectify this. The odor would be gone fairly quickly as isopropanol evaporates pretty fast. This odor isn't like nail polish remover, which is primarily acetone.

How does the refrigarator or freezer work to keep things cold?

Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, heat pumps(air and ground source) all work on the principles of refrigeration. Modern refrigerators don't use Chlorofluorocarbons because CFCs are harmful to the atmospheric ozone layer when released. Instead they use various other refrigerants that are now primarily Hydrofluorocarbons. In new refrigerators a gas called HFC-134a, also called tetrafluoroethane is used. HFC-134a turns into a liquid when it is cooled to -15.9 degrees Fahrenheit (-26.6 degrees Celsius). A motor and compressor squeezes the gas (refrigerant). When it is compressed, a gas heats up as it is pressurized. When you pass the compressed gas through the coils on the back or bottom of a modern refrigerator, the warmer gas can lose its heat to the air in the room. According to the laws of thermodynamics: 1) As it cools, the refrigerant will change into a liquid when it is under enough high pressure. 2) Something that is hot will give up its heat to its colder surroundings. The liquid flows through what's called an expansion valve, a small hole that regulates how fast the liquid refrigerant squeezes through. Between the valve and the compressor, there is a low-pressure area because the compressor is pulling the gas out of that side (while compressing it on the other). When the liquid HFC hits a low pressure area it boils and changes into a gas. This is called vaporizing. Remember that the refrigerant boils (or vaporizes) at minus 15.9 degrees F. That is always going to be colder than the surrounding air temperature in the fridge and even the freezer. Therefore, as the refrigerant within the coils (evaporator) passes through the freezer and regular part of the refrigerator, the colder liquid in the coils pulls the heat out of the compartments. This makes the inside of the freezer and entire refrigerator cold. The compressor sucks up the cold gas, and the gas goes back to the compressor to start the process over. A thermostat regulates when the desired temperatures in the cold compartments have been reached by turning the compressor on or off.

How do trees give off water vapor?

Trees give off water vapor through a process called transpiration. Water from the roots is absorbed by the tree and travels through its tissues to reach the leaves. Once in the leaves, some of the water evaporates and is released into the air as vapor through tiny pores called stomata.

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Will a steam burn give off a large amount of heat as it condenses?

the steam will give off a large amount of heat as it condenses.

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What does animals give to the water cycle?

Animals give off co2 or carbon dioxide when they die and decompose into the soil. From there, rain washes through the soil and then after a while vaporizes and emits co2 into the air.

Why does your refrigerator give off so much heat?

Refrigerators release heat as part of the cooling process when they remove heat from inside the unit. The heat is generated by the compressor and condenser coils as they work to circulate refrigerant and maintain the cold temperature inside. It is a normal and necessary function for the refrigerator to operate efficiently.

Define a near-azeotropic refrigerant blend and give two examples.?

a blended refrigerant with less than 10F temperature glide, 41oA and 404A are examples.

What is the water cycle in the tundra?

The water cycle in a tundra is that when the plants give out water it evaporates then it snows.

When did VW start using R-134a refrigerant?

please give me pressure knowledge for refrigerator

Will evaporating the water quickly give big crystal's or will it be better to do it slowly?

the slower something evaporates the larger the crystals

Name of acid formed when sulfur oxides mixes with rainwater?

I think it is Nitrogen Oxide. The nitrous oxide condenses with the rain to give the nitric acid, sulfur dioxide condenses with the rain to give sulfuric acid, carbon dioxide combines with the rain to give carbonic acid . These three acids constitute the acid rain.

What does a plant give to a water cycle?

through transpiration water is lost to the environment and condenses to fall as rain and is again absorbed as by the plant root.

Where is the low pressure valve for adding AC refrigerant on a 1999 Mercedes E430?

By the amounts of F**ks i give

What is they water cycle?

first,water empties into the ocean then,the water rises and evaporates last,the clouds take in the air and give preporation