

Does a rocket carry humans

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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Many rockets that go into space do carry humans, but, most rockets do not.

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i really do not give a jhgfdvhvgdjrkg

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Yes a space station carries humans in order to help the rocket leave safely and come back safely

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"Will" is incorrect. Humans already carry out space travel. In 1944, a rocket was sent to space (at an altitude of 189 km); Sputnik 1 was launched in 1957.

Can a rocket carry humans?

Some are designed to do that, and they do. Others aren't and don't.Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn, and Neil Armstrong all used the first kind.

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These words are used to describe the modes of transportation, used for going into the space. Maned rocket or a maned shuttle means that it is carrying humans in it. But an unmanned rocket or a shuttle doesn't carry any human.

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