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No, a salt water pool does not contain bleach.

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the salt water chloirne generator is making sodium hypochlorite, which is exactly what chlorine bleach is so you are putting in the same thing the SWCG is making.

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Q: Can you use household bleach to chlorinate a saltwater pool?
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Is it ok to use pool chlorine tablets to chlorinate household water?

NO! There are often stabilizers in pool chlorine tablets that make the tablets last longer - use a bottle of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) instead.

What household chemical can you use in your pool?

Yes what helps me is using about three gallons per thousand of pool water of hydrochloric acid! It'll balance out all of your levels to a homostatic state! I put in chemicals and within 30 min we were swimming! Hope the tip helped ! Happy swimming!

How do you chlorinate while on vacation?

You have a pool person come in or put in a floating pool cleaner with a timer set each day to chlorinate the pool.

How many pool tabs equal 1 gallon of household bleach?


Can you use household bleach in swimming pool to get the green out?

Yes, however not at all effectively as you would require a large amount of household strength bleach to have the same effect as the stuff you would get from a pool supplies shop. Once the water has gone green it requires a "shock dose" of chlorine or similar to kill off the growth, usually 10-15L (~2.5-4gal) of swimming pool strength chlorine is sufficient to "shock" a household pool (~<100,000L). It would be more effective to use household bleach to prevent the green from forming in the first place

How do you use chlorinate in a sentence?

I will not use the swimming pool today until after you chlorinate it.

I can't get pool chlorine in the town I live in and I'm wondering if you can use household bleach as a substitute?

Yes, bleach is Sodium Hypochlorite, or commonly referred to as liquid chlorine in the pool business.

How much bleach to disinfect a wading pool?

Depends on the size of the pool. Actually, a more useful answer is to simply use 2 qts of regular, unscented, household bleach for every 10,000 gallons of pool water.

Can you mix household bleach and pool chlorine?

It is not sensible to mix bleach and chlorine, or any other cleaners, especially as the question appears to be about a swimming pool? It has been known that, potentially, the gas given off, when chemicals are haphazardly mixed can cause death! Always read the labels and use household cleaners and swimming pool chemicals - carefully.

Is the chlorine used by a pool chlorinator the same as household bleach?

Chlorine used in pools is much different from household bleach. Pool chlorine contains bacteria killing agents that are safe for human contact and, in most cases, do not cause health issues or rashes if used in moderation. Also pool chlorine does not have color removing agents and will not turn anything 'white', it is strictly used to keep pool water clean, bacteria free and clear. Household bleach, on the other hand, can be harmful to humans, animals and can also remove the color from clothing.

Does saltwater system require a covered pool?

No, a saltwater pool does not need to be covered.

How do you make a pool uncludy?

Test the water, then adjust your Ph to about 7.2. Then chlorinate.