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A silver perch does not have silver in it's skin. The shiny iridescence of the silver perch's skin and of many scaly fish skin comes from photonic crystals made of guanine. These crystals, while atomically similar to crystals grown in the laboratory, microscopically are very different and form overlapping sheets giving the crystals maximum reflectance. Most researchers believe this shiny skin evolved to fool predators by reflecting light away from the fish, especially when close to the water surface.

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Q: Does a silver perch have silver in its skin?
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What is the difference between white perch and yellow perch?

It is very easy to tell the difference between a yellow perch and white perch. However, many people mistake white perch for silver bass. If you eat the fish you catch, there is a big difference in the taste of white perch and silver bass. White perch are very good; silver bass are a lot fishier tasting. The easiest way to tell the difference between a white perch and silver bass is by looking at their stripes on the side of the fish. White perch only have 1 solid stripe which is high up on their back. Silver bass, on the other hand, have five stripes on their sides and appear to be more silver in color. There are other differences between the two fish and hopefully in the future I can post a photo of a silver bass alongside a white perch and describe them to you.

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What color are perch eggs?

Some are silver, and some are yellow.

Where the gills on the perch fish?

Behind the flap of skin that covers them, it is also above the heart.

What is the best filet knife to use for skinning Perch?

"Although it may be a bit of an investment, the best way to skin Perch is probably with an electric fillet knife. They usually retail for about twenty dollars."

What is the scientific name of a perch?

It depends which perch you are talking about. There are many fishes which are commonly called perch. In the United States, perhaps one of the more common true perches is the yellow perch, Perca flavescens, (Family Percidae, Order Perciformes). But there are numerous other perch-like fish within this order, including white perch (Morone americana, actually a type of bass, Family Moronidae), silver perch, (Bairdiella chrysoura, a drum in Family Sciaenidae), and the very large, invasive predatory fish the nile perch, from the Nile River (Lates niloticus, Family Latidae), which grows to over 400 pounds!

Why fish skin is silver?

The reason why fish have silver skin is because it helps them to hide from predator. The silver skin refracts light and makes it harder for enemies to see these fish.

What is the plural form of perch?

The plural of perch, when referring to a bird's perch, is perches. The plural of perch, when referring to the fish, remains perch.

How many species of the perch fish are there?

There are three species of the perch: Percaflavescens (Yellow perch), Perca fluviatilis(European perch) and Perca schrenkii (Balkhash perch).

What is the reporters name in SpongeBob?

perch perkins

Is a perch a marsupial?

No. A perch is a fish.

Why can a silver bullet kill a warewolf?

silver burns the skin of the unnatrual