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Is it bad luck when an elephant trunk is pointing down instead of up

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Q: Does a statue of elephant with tears on its face mean good luck?
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Which way do elephants face for good luck?

Elephant should be facing you for good luck

Is a white elephant statue good luck or bad luck?

It's alway's for good luck but for bad person's you never know.

What is margate famous for?

Margate is mostly famous for Lucy the Elephant. Lucky is a huge statue of an elephant that has a big history. You are able to walk through Lucy and get a good view of Margate.

Is a white elephant statue good luck in your house?

Yes it is. I do not know if it has to be white. you want it at your front door placed like it is walking into your house. it is like it is bringing in good.

Which way do you point elephants for good luck?

never face an elephant away from an entrance, they are free animals and do not like to feel trapped, always face the gate if in a garden and always face the door in a house. I was taught this whilst in Africa

What is a good sentence that is using the word statue?

A statue can be of a person or an animal. We have a large statue of a soldier in our park.

How do you get the offering for poisedon in poptropica?

you have to go to the museum and look at the poseidon statue and on his face is a starfish, you take that starfish to his temple and press use. Good luck with the rest of the island!

Can too much crying lead to weakness of eyesight?

it definitely can. the water in your tears have acid inside and over time it will eventually completly destroy your face and brain. Good Luck

Is the statue of liberty good or bad?

It's good!

What is the symbolism of an elephant with truck lift mean?

The symbolism of an elephant with a trunk lifted is said to mean good luck. An elephant with its elephant down is said to be bad luck.

Does an elephant have good behavior?

As is the case with most of the more advanced mammals, an elephant can have good behavior or bad behavior, depending on where it is and how it is treated.

Poptropica cheats mythology island how do you get the offering to poseideon lair?

You need to go to the statue museum, (located on Main Street) and find the Poseidon statue. It should have a starfish stuck on its face. That is the offering to Poseidon's realm. Good luck on beating Zeus, and yes, it's possible :)