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The vulture doesn't kill animails it feeds on an animails corspe.

It will no attack a animail because vultures are lazzy.

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Q: Does a vulture kill its own food?
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Can something kill a vulture?

a shotgun

What types of food does a vulture eat?

Vulture eats flesh

What is the Turkey Vulture food chain?

The Turkey Vulture is a common raptor in North America and Europe. This bird is a scavenger that feeds on road kill.

How do eagles make their own food?

Eagles don't make their own food they catch their food live and then kill it.

Are vultures predators?

No, a vulture is not a predator as it does not hunt or kill. It is a scavenger.

What eats a vulture?

i think nothing eats it but decomposers (when the vulture dies)

What are the bearded vulture biggest threats?

the bearded vulture (lammergeier) is threatened by hunters and also for lack of food

Is a vulture a scavenger - what is that?

A vulture is a scavenger. A scavenger is a carnivore that does not kill its own food but eats carrion, the dead bodies of animals; either prey killed by other hunters or animals that have died of other causes.

Are Detritivores Producers?

No, detrivores are animals that eat the remains of organic material like a Vulture, producers make their own 'food' like plants. Hope this helped!

Example of scavenger?

A vulture is an example of a scavenger. Vultures feed on the remains of dead animals, helping to clean up the environment by preventing the spread of disease. They play a crucial role in recycling nutrients in the ecosystem.

What does a vulture symbolize?

A vulture mainly symbolizes death as it is mainly found ,in some countries, feeding on dead animals, and is even known to kill animals bigger than itself!

Why does the narrator in The Tell-Tale Heart kill his neighbor?

because he or she dont like his vulture eye